A way to unlock player supercharging

A way to unlock player supercharging
effort 4.25 8 quality 4.25 8 reasonability 3.625 8

isn’t this basically what an ult art is?

Most everyone else seems to be in agreement with me on this; good idea, but needs some touch-ups and refinements.

Firstly, I don’t quite understand the point of stopping players from ‘cheesing off’ on other players for the quest to complete it; if anything, going after the pirate NPCs is the cheesier option, since the NPCs won’t think to dodge the attack and thus make the quest harder. Thus, I instead propose an alternative quest of “Inflict 5000 total damage on enemies with fully charged attacks” that doesn’t specify which enemies; just that the attacks hit a foe and thus do (non-enviornmental) damage.

Secondly, there’s the matter of balance. Super-charging should not be the exact same as charging, but more powerful. Have some way for the player to have an attack be super-charged instead of just plain charged (another suggestor proposed having the player hold the mouse down while charging) and have doing so come with drawbacks, like reduced attack speed and increased Energy consumption. There should also be a visual indicator like there is with bosses, so your opponent in PvE will be able to recognize that you’re doing it and be able to dodge and/or punish you accordingly.

saying ‘yo bro help me with this quest’ and you just attack him over and over again

you would naturally have 2 seconds of boosted startup from charging, and extra energy drain would be a good idea

Which would take effing forever if you had to wait in-between attacks for health to recharce, and would entail the player dying repeatedly otherwise.

If you still think this is an issue, you could just exclude players from the quest’s parameters and let the people doing it hunt whatever NPCs they prefer.

either pirate or criminal npcs tbh

ok nvm archrono the pvphead gave this a heart i dont think this is a good idea anymore

Flag the post then coward.

no im a masochist and a sadist so i want this added :grin:

Literally just change current charging to mimic supercharging visuals

Auditory too, or at least something in chat.

It probably already does.

Nah supercharged attacks get the unique attribute of an aura and extra effects, patch notes haven’t mentioned this being extended to players

they already do that.

no they dont

Okay suggestion, but I got a few comments.

I think having the ability be from a quest and be listed in your info tab is the best implementation, but having the quest giver be in Sameria is a bit lame (unless the guy starts spouting philosophical stuff about harnessing the power of the sun).

The quest is kinda whatever right now. I think it would be better if there were birds or moving targets around the guy and you had to hit them with fully charged attacks. It would be a bit more fitting and it would teach the player how to track and aim with attacks on button releases instead of presses.

I don’t think players need supercharging because it’s basically the same as charging attacks regularly, and players could just get the aura after a certain level milestone (first awakening?). But people also hated the idea of a magic dash (remember that one suggestion?), and dodge reflexes got added, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this gets added as well.

yeah i wouldve had it be the sun monk but i assume that guy is for waterproofing magics hence

btw by sun monk i mean hikmah

Oh yeah, that exists. Hope we learn that soon, though I’m not sure why a desert (dry) would have people who teach waterproofing (I think a very rainy area would be more fitting, maybe somewhere below sky islands?).

The quest giver could go on a wilderness island or anywhere else, no reason to restrict yourself like that.

amplify the heat of the magic

but anyway thats off topic

maybe a monk in a sort of chapel who could express surprise upon you learning the ability so quickly when you finish the quest?

didn’t people hate that idea because it was worded in a way that made it look like magic classes would be the only ones able to use it?