AA Webcomic - Chapter 37 Part 1


No, not only the Bronze Sea. I got lsot in my thoughts and forgot you were talking about ONLY the Bronze Sea. There most of them are either dead, or too old… or inexperienced.

I said that for the War Seas in general, since Curses are valuable and sought after, usually discovered after being searched for, kept in vaults, and given to certain champions as rewards, used to sway nations, so as a means of diplomacy, or distributed amongs generals.

The Bronze Sea was done for, that’s clear, and, if you look into NPC dialogue and lore, not only militarily, but economically as well. Calvus, as he, himself stated, was the only link keeping it a bit stable.

You mean more advanced IN the War Seas, THAN IN, the Seven… Syntax mistake, I hope.

Also true, but… do advancements in the way magic is projected, applied, learned and manifested CPLETELY, correlate to raw power? Like… the damage output, without armor buffs… is pretty clsoe between AA and AO.

Yeah that was a mistake on my part, I’m running off of 5 hours of sleep

Well… we DID get a hint of Warren’s abilities and power, as well as Keraxe’s, in addition to the current state of international diplomatic tensions and relative political instability… so… perhaps a grand, fateful battle, deciding the fate of a nation that we bare witness to is not out of the question…?


I wouldn’t really rely on in-game demonstrations when discussing the lore of the AU

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standing here,
i realize
you’re just like me trying to make history
but who’s to judge?
the right from wrong?
when your guard is down i think we’ll both agree
that violence breeds violence
but in the end it has to be this way

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plot twist: everyone on the solstice says no


Uh isn’t Virent a child? I wouldn’t say Juniper “rizzed her”, their relationship is very mother-daughter-like.

Also, is Jade your character? Are all of these admirals OCs from fans? If so, that’s really cool!

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After some scouring, Virent is 19.

Damn you got me pulling out the receipts to prove I didn’t make a problematic joke, which is absolutely fair :joy:

Here we are - Virent is 19 (Ultimateblaze75 beat me to it), it’s just that her upbringing as a slave stunted her growth. Though your point about their relationship being more mother-daughter-esque is a completely valid interpretation. It was mainly a joke based on when Virent blushed after Juniper saved her, but hey that can also be seen as a blush of admiration or something

Anyway, yeah Jade is an OC of mine! I’m pretty sure Sheep won’t mind if I say this but there was an opportunity for patrons to contribute to the story in the form of OC submissions for the Vice Admirals, since I’m sure designing 10 more characters that probably won’t play a major role in the story would’ve been a pain. I’m not sure if ALL the Vice Admirals are patron OCs, but aside from Jade I know that Aria Blue, Ouroboros, Adriana Morris, and Raakh (the black-haired VA who helped restrain the Atomic Magic admiral) are. Uhhh hopefully none of their creators mind me saying that either lol


I suppose that that’s fair enough.

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it would explain how beringer has the cloud curse

about that

there’s no way this isnt warren, he’s also the only admiral without a displayed last name
his blue eyes in AO would probably be the effects of the inferno curse

Warren doesnt have scars in his face

A teir 3 healing potion can repair lost limbs, it can probably remove scars

lmao ty

wait where is this from