AA Webcomic - Chapter 37 Part 1

Arcane Odyssey Magic circles in Arcane Adventures???

The angel stare KILLED me bro. :sob:

do not the admiral

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I… just realized something that I think is… quite interesting, after reading this chapter, going to look back on the lore sections of the game and wiki a bit, and remembering the story of AA, along with sidestories and… again… parts of the Wiki…

Compared to what we’ve seen in AO, back in the Seven, there were people much more IMPORTANT. And everyone seemed, either stronger, or more… influential… fundamental in the story, not of the Seven, or where Online Fighting took place, but the world in general.

And this is not because of the Peacekeeper’s journey reaching much further in the game, in terms of abilities, than ours today, but… Idk… It’s just that back in the Seven, people seemed to have, either a bigger role, or even if they were a side story or just a random dude they still had a larger PURPOSE, or an incredible past achievement…

In the War Seas and the Dark sea, so far, I’ve seen a lot of stuff that is like “OH, I GET THAT REFERENCE. I know lore, and recognise that easter egg…” But nobody who, like…

SHAPED GLOBAL HISTORY, AND LIVED FOR THOUSANDS OF YEAR, or even less than a thousand, or even just a bit more than a hundred years, but has witnessed or manipulated cosmo-historic events.


warren and randal could fulfill that role, and one of the reasons aa had so much dropped into it might’ve been because it was building an entire world from nothing, ao already has a base since it’s a sequel

we also don’t start by meeting the most powerful wizard in the seas in ao, we have a much humbler beginning

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True, true.

There ARE very pwoerful people, so it may be that we simply… basically, barely know anything about the War seas, as of now.

So people of such higher relevance could appear.

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The bronze sea (with the exception of merlot and kai) is full a bunch of nobodies in terms of raw strength

Well… not really.

Considering it us filled to the brim with Curse Users, who, instead of random pirate commanders and captains, are EXPERIENCED GENERALS, or KINGS…

combined with us meeting a Grand Fire Curse user, being friends with the Death Curse user and hearing about what Keraxe has, in terms of the King and his Sons…

Power IS there. It’s jsut that we haven’t SEEN, or HEARD about them doing anything grand.

By no means do the people in the War Seas compare to Ancient Curse Users like Rupin or Trigno, Pirate Captains, Navy Admirals and random people found in widlerness, who are hundreds of years old, Theos, Durza, Ressurrected Undead Ancient Monarchs, Arthur and his commanders, that incldue TWO GODS, Freedrock, or THE GODS THEMSELVES… But still. Not that far behind.

I doubt this’ll end up being true of the War Seas since it’s a game and I doubt Vetex wants to be restricted by this, but I feel that realistically most people like those you’re describing would be dead before doing world changing acts in the War Seas.

In a sea of constant warfare where a strong Curse user or mage could turn the tide of a war, you can bet your ass they’d be a priority target for elimination. Not to mention with devourers, you are virtually guaranteed to get said person’s Curse after killing them. So you can see why these types of people wouldn’t live very long to make huge marks on the world outside of battle.

But as I mentioned earlier I doubt that’s the reason, more likely it’s like what sock said - we just haven’t progressed far enough in the story and Vetex is saving those reveals for later.

The bronze sea was filled with experience generals, with the only one left by the end of the bronze sea being Julian. Also, I wouldn’t really consider Calvus as an experienced fighter given the fact that he lost to a pre-awakening MC without dealing any major injuries.

Warren is a mute point since he isn’t from the bronze seas, though Morden is defiantly strong to some degree, even if he is against the ruling nation there.

Given the fact that vetex more or less confirmed that magic is significantly more advanced than in the war seas, there probably are characters who could beat a good chunk of the people you listed.


No, not only the Bronze Sea. I got lsot in my thoughts and forgot you were talking about ONLY the Bronze Sea. There most of them are either dead, or too old… or inexperienced.

I said that for the War Seas in general, since Curses are valuable and sought after, usually discovered after being searched for, kept in vaults, and given to certain champions as rewards, used to sway nations, so as a means of diplomacy, or distributed amongs generals.

The Bronze Sea was done for, that’s clear, and, if you look into NPC dialogue and lore, not only militarily, but economically as well. Calvus, as he, himself stated, was the only link keeping it a bit stable.

You mean more advanced IN the War Seas, THAN IN, the Seven… Syntax mistake, I hope.

Also true, but… do advancements in the way magic is projected, applied, learned and manifested CPLETELY, correlate to raw power? Like… the damage output, without armor buffs… is pretty clsoe between AA and AO.

Yeah that was a mistake on my part, I’m running off of 5 hours of sleep

Well… we DID get a hint of Warren’s abilities and power, as well as Keraxe’s, in addition to the current state of international diplomatic tensions and relative political instability… so… perhaps a grand, fateful battle, deciding the fate of a nation that we bare witness to is not out of the question…?


I wouldn’t really rely on in-game demonstrations when discussing the lore of the AU

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standing here,
i realize
you’re just like me trying to make history
but who’s to judge?
the right from wrong?
when your guard is down i think we’ll both agree
that violence breeds violence
but in the end it has to be this way

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plot twist: everyone on the solstice says no


Uh isn’t Virent a child? I wouldn’t say Juniper “rizzed her”, their relationship is very mother-daughter-like.

Also, is Jade your character? Are all of these admirals OCs from fans? If so, that’s really cool!

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After some scouring, Virent is 19.