Abandoned Islands: Who Owned What?

sorry, that was unclear :+1:

Yeah, he knows.

no it isn’t, it looks like boards that were hastily added after the fact
besides the visigoth armor set for the “collect unique armor sets” is found in the abyss of charon

Yeah, they probably threw people down there, there’s a giant pile of flesh at the bottom of the hole you enter in.

yeah the visigoths were the sacrificers, thats what im saying

Whatever, I doubt it though.

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that’s just a lie you call a couple of wooden boards blocking the entrance “well-hidden”?

thats what im saying, they look like they were added hastily after the visigoths were there and died/did their thing

for all I know the miners that carved out the Dead Halls did that(mentioned by the bartender in the Dead Halls)

yeah HYPERSPACE what is WRONG with you?? smh

no the miners carved the tunnels out for the dead halls, the ancient catacombs were just there from the visigoths (unless you’re talking about boarding it up, then i agree)

Can you bottle that?

John Castrum

I am talking abt the miners boarding it up

I don’t remember Thrylos having a SoS flag, did you mistake it with Cedar Arch, which had one AND cool jaws?
(I totally might be wrong)
I totally was wrong and mistook Thrylos with Cedar, though the fact remains that Cedar has cool jaws

it’s in a secret on Thrylos

So I did forget about it, time to find it again then…

Considering the Cedar Arch’s flooded area contains a stone with engravements that reveal Blackreach Island’s maze layout, I think it’s safe to say that the “shark people” (potential redwake ancestor?) had control over the both of them

I think that Blackreach could have been an island under Winterveil, since the map of the labyrinth can be found under the Gloam ruins.