Absolutely horrifying idea for an atlantean sublass

Or you just think so? Ofc you won’t understand anything at this point.

Mortal we have done this before.

Inspiration is explanation, why atlanteans are an exception.

that makes absolutely no sense.

It is not some random thing that popped up in Vetex’s head or was suggested by others. It is straight up “inspiration”.

Why. The. Fuck. Does. It. Matter. If. Something. Came. From. Inspiration. Or. Not?

Answer. The. Question.

Because. it. is. not. the. same. as. some. random. parasite. from. real. life. and there. are. no. creatures. like. this. parasite. that. were. added.

All you’ve told me so far is that you can’t give a straight and logical answer because any attempt to do so would lead to your argument falling apart.

That tells me enough.

I would agree that I am not that serious right now. Cuz I am fucking fed up explainning you, guys, basic things, even in regular chat and after all of that you continue arguing about opinion not even iron fact which you cannot even understand. I stand my ground, besides there is not much to say, everything I had to say is already said, you simply cannot understand for some reason.

Btw, thats how discussion in regular chat ended:

And he wasn’t even planning to suggest it, what all of this mess is for? :frcryin:

All you have done is spout random irrelevant nonsense and repeat yourself over and over calling it an explanation while you fail to explain literally anything.

Well, I tried in different ways. Check out regular chat if it is not visible here.

here, let me explain what I meant by that:

Do you see the issue?

I just said my opinion, I didn’t put any bad marks and wouldn’t do it even in suggestions. You failed to understand anything I said and yet you continue brainstorming me, I even tried to explain it by fucking colors in regular chat. So what do you want? Arguements about someone’s opinion are always going hard and I am not even pointing out that you didn’t understand me, so whats your point here?

Yeah, what do you want? I guess it is already turned into interrogation.

If you really wanted to understand you would check regular chat, but nope, you want me to repeat everything the same just in different words.

We’re arguing because you legitimately tried comparing an artificial virus from the 21st century to an aquatic crustacean that’s existed for possibly millions of years :sob:

It seems like it was a bad example. Its point was to show you how I saw your previous arguements. Saying that something should be added just because it is related to ocean is the same as saying that covid could be added since it is horror when you don’t know what illness it is.

Please, have a good christmas and have a good time with your family
May you have sweet dreams

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Okay but that ocean related thing is like… extremely fitting towards the dark sea

In a way, the dark sea itself is like a parasitic infection, corrupting all that lives in it into eventual monsters that seemingly exist in perpetual agony and animalistic instinct, it’s a slimy, dark, unhappy place that’s perfect for a deepsea creature like this to learn to adapt to and evolve within, taking advantage of new hosts and the influx of magic energy to its advantage

smh some people just really don’t know how to think outside of the box

Any ocean thing can get a bit corrupted and become a great abomination.

You are right. I hope you will find out that yours view onto Dark Sea is not the only one that exists.
See you later.