Absolutely horrifying idea for an atlantean sublass

tounge fist

why tf does it look like you pulled this out of 600 million years ago dawg


Good idea, but it would be a fucking nightmare

hey man, double the atlantean essence rates gotta be worth something tho :moneybag: :money_mouth_face:

Who tf actually uses this?

who uses atlantean essence?

I thought most people did…

Do you ever think that the gods stay hidden from humanity in fear of what they’ve created?

I think most people just don’t know how tf it works


I rub it on da armor set and get da sillies :grinning:

this matters how?
why do things need an inspiration from some popular movie?

this matters how?
like it was said before, I don’t think I remember reading about a comedically large red shark when I was reading through Greek myths.

I’ve always seen bringing up “lore” as an argument (especially when its barely even lore like this) as a sign the person talking doesn’t have any actual points.

It doesn’t help that other ways to implement it that circumvent your whole “but the mouths don’t work” argument entirely that you’ve just kinda ignored.

trust me when I say that like 90% of mortals points don’t even feel relevant to what the topic was :skull:

That is my point exactly, yet he insists that PotC and Covid are somehow relevant to an aquatic parasite idea for AO.

I can’t tell if mortal is baiting or if he’s really this bad at arguments

You litteraly ignored my explanation? Maybe I should ignore your points and make a view like I didn’t saw anything?

You did not explain anything, you just repeated yourself.

Also you just ignored all of my points too so I don’t really see your point here either.

AGAIN! You just ignored another explanation where I pointed the only thing from DS which wasn’t from mythology as an inspiration from movie, it was an exception.

It is just a tradition. Everyone would have been upset if he didn’t add bigger version of White Eyes there. I don’t know where it originaly came from, since it is here since AA.


Why does this matter?
Straight up you have failed to say why all this inspiration stuff matters in the first place.
Who cares if something is a reference or not?