[ABYSS SEA] Sentry's Journal

[Journal currently belongs to Hephaestion Keos, Sentry of the Whispering Caverns. If found, please return journal to him at the Whispering Caverns]


The others elected me to be the sentry, seeing as unlike most of them I haven’t lost an eye or limb. Alexandros was voted in as the leader, he gave me this journal and told me to write down any notable events I see as a form of record keeping. He also told me to ensure that everyone hears the “FALL BACK TO THE MINES!” bell for when I spot an Atlantean ship on the horizon.

We’re lucky we escaped Ravenna and Fort Talos, though a part of me wished we had joined up with Sir Spartacus. Sure, theres a good chance we would die defending the people heading to Orthys, but we would’ve died for a good cause. If we did somehow survive, then we would’ve been in a much nicer place than this mine. I can’t really complain about where we’re living though, it isn’t that bad, especially compared to the other islands conditions. Wish everything wasn’t made out of stone though, those chairs hurt my back.

Anyways to the original purpose of this journal, today we drained the mines. We found some skeletons after heading into to the depths of it, seems like some poor guys drowned when it originally flooded. Daedalus found the old storage room was filled with chests still, we looked around the island and found a checklist that said it was the only thing that hadn’t been taken back to Ravenna. I wonder why.

DAY 38

First notable thing happened in weeks, our only ship set out for Cernunno for wood, herbs, and fruit. Hope they come back okay, the guys on there were most of the folks who hadn’t been crippled in some way.

DAY 42

A G.N Brig swung by the island earlier today to check it out. We said hello to it, exchanged some supplies and watched it go off. I saw it’s name before it left, I think it was “The Steel Commander”.

I’ve heard about that ship before, it’s captained by some guy named Matthew Barion, a G.N Commander if I recall correctly. I wonder why he and his ship were all the way over here and not Silverhold. Either way, he and his crew seemed nice, I hope they stay safe.

DAY 59

The expedition group hasn’t returned yet, but I rung the bell for the first time. I decided to stay outside while we waited for the ship to pass so I could give an all clear.

DAY 60

The Atlantean ship finally passed by the island early this morning. Some guy named Thorin also landed on the northwest edge of the island in a rowboat. He wasn’t infected so we let him join us, he seems pretty nice.

DAY 87

Expedition group finally came back today, said they got chased by some Atlantean ships and had to do some evasive maneuvers that ended up crashing them into Munera Garden to shake off the Atlanteans. They grabbed some extra supplies from Munera while they were there though, so thats nice.

While patching up the sailboat, they found some guy named Sir Gavin who helped them patch up their ship in exchange for taking him along with them. He seems to enjoy watching and partaking in spars and has organized a small area on the island where people can spar with eachother.

DAY 115

Atlantean brig came around, I rung the bell and made sure I didn’t get spotted in the watchtower I was in as I watched the brig. It made a few circles around the island as if it knew someone was here but eventually got disinterested.

DAY 132

Same deal as the last entry, but with a caravel that seemed to be going north.

DAY 154

A few castaways washed up on the eastern shore today, none of them were infected so we let em live with us. The living space in the mines seem to shaping up pretty well, and the inside of my watchtower has gotten pretty nice.

Of course, the outside still has to look old and worn to fool Atlanteans, but the inside’s a lot nicer, I got a decent bed, a wooden chair and table. I also got a small kitchen, though nothing enough more than a small cooking pot, some silverware, and a few plates and bowls, but it’s nice.

DAY 179

A chunk of Frostmill slammed into the Caverns today, I rung the bell to get everyone in, but no Atlanteans seem to be on it. No ones taking any risks and going on it alone, but talks have been made for a small group to go on the iceberg.

I’m probably going to be going on it alongside Alexandros and Daedalus and few others, I’ll update this journal what we find on it tommorrow, if I come back.

DAY 180

some Ice Smugglers, Frost Brigands, and Frostmill Villagers were on it. All 3 groups seemed to have formed an alliance and castaway their differences to survive, and now their joining us.

Our population is now roughly 50 people, 2/5ths are somewhat crippled to healthy Bronze Legion, 2/5ths are those folks from Frostmill and the last 1/5th is those castaways, Thorin and Sir Gavin.

DAY 204

Haven’t been writing about all these Atlantean ships passing by us since I’ve been busy keeping watch for the past few days waiting to give the all clear. It seems like swarms of Atlanteans are heading east, to what’s probably Silverhold.

Every now and then someone comes from the mines to drop food off at the door to the watch tower before beelining it back in. I’ve been forced to be real careful with my movements, barely been able to move an inch for hours just in case one sees me move. Getting to my food drops is easy enough once I’m back inside.

I swear, it’s been a week since I rung to bell to head back to the mines and the swarms are still going at it!

DAY 237

It’s finally over, but I can’t help but feel concern. If the Atlanteans swarms were all heading for Silverhold, then why did they stop? Surely Silverhold hasn’t fallen right? They have hundreds of marines and dozens of cannons and mortar, surely not right?

But still, I still have this sick feeling in my stomach that it’s gone. Hopefully I’m proven wrong and a G.N ship will come around looking to exchange information with other survivors and even safe some of us.

DAY 243

A G.N brig docked at the old port we haven’t fixed in fear of attracting Atlanteans. About 50 marines on board came off it and begged us to let them stay. The captain looked weary, as if she’d been through hell for the past year. Additionally my worst fears have been confirmed, Silverhold really has fallen.

Atleast the marines weren’t infected, so they were allowed to stay. We disguised the G.N brig as an Atlantean brig that had run aground in a way where it’s cannons were parallel to the shore, so if some Atlantean ship figured out that we were here and were on that side of the island we could fight it off.

Some of the marines used the lower deck of the brig as sleeping space so they wouldn’t have to take up as much space in the mines, we also boarded windows of the brig’s captains quarters so they could use that as living space too.

DAY 257

I heard some more details about how Silverhold fell, apparently it had been going constant swarms of Atlantean ship and finally broke on the 303rd day. Conditions seemed like hell on earth by how the marines described it.

The Steel Commander swung by the mines again, it’s crew got off the ship and interacted with the other marines who’ve been living here. It’s nice to that they survived Silverhold’s fall.

I also have heard that the crew of The Steel Commander deserted partway through the 303 day siege, and honestly, I can’t blame them. At least it led to their survival, unlike the poor souls who stayed.

DAY 264

The Steel Commander left today, it was nice talking with it’s crew, they seem like nice people. They said their heading up to the northeastern corner of Pelion Rift, on the side it faces the Jaws, just in case we ever need to seek them out.

Anyways, we decided that there should be 2 leaders, one from the G.N and one from the Bronze Legion and 2 sentries, like the leaders one being from the G.N and the other from the Bronze Legion.

I’ll stop writing in this journal, for now at least. Heard lots of chatter for reelecting me and Alexandros for our respective positions again as the Bronze Legion representives. I’m not going to act like I have a guranteed shot at being reelecting, that’s how folks get kicked out of their positions.

If it isn’t me who gets Sentry, then to whoever wins the position of Sentry and gets what’s been my journal for almost a year, I trust that you’ll do great.


my genuine reaction to seeing this name


the random Recon who didnt see what boss was going to spawn getting jumpscared

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this man knows dummies vs noobs
you’re a true dominion, my friend

A sentry wrote a journal?

Dang, the Engineer’s been working really hard since the 1970’s. They’re now intelligent.

who gave mimi sentry a pen and journal fr fr