[ABYSS SEA] Welcome to the Dark Abyss

For further context the titans of the cretaceous are a group of explorers that have 3 divisions.
the Recon unit consists of Nova, Mathew, and Kelly. (fastest and most evasive but weakest ship)

The Excavation Unit consists of Hugo, and Deshawn. (has the close ranged offensive ship)

And The Extraction Unit which consists of Mike, Ludwig, And Ruby. (has the long ranged offensive ship)

1.Hugo (Founder/Excavation Leader)
2.Ruby (Co Founder/Extraction leader)
3. Mathy (Lead Explorer/Recon Leader)
Protocol is to retreat to sandfall in times of crisis.

When the invasion broke out the clan followed protocol and rendezvous on sandfall, the recon unit was first to arrive and while they were waiting their ship was attacked and destroyed which took away their way off the island.

A fight broke out between the recon unit, Nova lost her arm on the process from an atlantean blade, Kelly was cut in half and died on the spot.

Before the atlanteans could kill them the Excavation and Extraction teams had arrived and stopped them, but the damage was done, An entire ship and it’s crew was gone and they had lost One Member.

The Excavation unit was abolished and Silvy took leadership of the recon unit, now specialising on supply runs and rescue missions.



one member lost. we are so doomed.
but this is nice art, shows how saddening it is to lose a crew member in battle
oh yeah january would like to fit in, but nah :sob:

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i love it when ppl make stuff with their friends for abyss because of the collaborative nature of the project itself

also kel:

Oh im not done yet, theres still Carcinisation and Chicxulub

oh damn!!
still waiting for januarys appearance which is never :sob: (true facts :100:%)

Perhaps in chicxulub, since thats the final art peice (everyone fucking dies)

Im gonna work on Carcinisation next, with small panels of the members dying

theyre DEAD

Nah only mathy, mike, and ruby flynt die

Chicxulub kills

Reinhardt, Hugo/silvy, Nova and Deshawn

oh fuck!

Basically everyone except my shoulder crow fucking dies

Birb supremacy.

Quite literal of chaos takes the world

And me being the one dying with a painless instant death :ok_hand:

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great effects, great shading, great art in general. :+1:

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Thanks, its my first attempt on using cel shading on a full on artwork


The cell shading looks really :ok_hand: It’s something I struggle on

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You’ll get the hang of it too, im still finding my footing

why have to do my lighthearted sister dirty like that…

Dont worry bro, im killing me too