Agility rework is here

ngl i think what should happen instead is once you reach a certain renown threshold (the same threshold as the radial bounty combat tag i forgot) THEN it applies the cone check which should solve the main issue Metapoly brought up


If I put in the effort to have this much agility JUST to not be in a PVP just let me not be in a pvp fight holy :sob:.

25% nerf means if you still have say 250 -300 agility your still going to out pace even 100 agility players so your good

have you tried pushing this rework on exclusively leaderboard players

As the plasma mage in question, :((.
(I do agree though, it really is not that much)

As for the rework, ig it would be annoying if more than one person jumped you but itā€™s an incentive to get better at fighting, I suppose.

I really like agility as a stat, since, at least for me, it makes my game experience a lot more fun.

I have nothing against changing agility to make it reduce time of travel instead of increasing distance traveled.
Honestly would be perfectly ok if distance of dash/jump/ecc scaled only with lvl.

Donā€™t really like the box check.

What of intensity rework?
Has it been forgotten?

atk speed is just not worth it, just like in 1.14 atk speer was the most balance between size and agility

while sure agility is getting a nerf, rn its still the same thing, atk size makes undodgeable attacks, agility its a pvp toggle while ur dead if ur low on hp since u cant outran them, atk speed still req the most skill bc u need to aim and isnt a pvp toggle

u straight up cant make a main atk speed stat build and be better than someone running 200-250 atk speed with 100 atk size or agility, idk how people complain about atk speed or how u guys as a whole team decided to barely gut atk speed

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we got an agility rework before an intensity one, bteam gotta rethink their priorities lmao

Wow this got really freaky and borderline hilarious real fast. By the time the dust have settled down weā€™d have Metapolyā€™s head on a pike or the PvPers invented arcane guillotine

I typed for a while but decided to stay neutral since Iā€™d be a hypocrite either way so this is it


??? vetex already has his plans for intensity and theres nothing anyone can do about that except for him

it was a light joke, yeah we gotta wait for awhile before vetex implements it : (


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Why do I even care if an idea sounds dumb at this point like literally 3 entire substats are completely worthless balancing is not real skibidi toilet is within all of us gg ez amogus fard poopy

This isnā€™t really a serious proposal, but think about this

Remove agility as a stat, and instead make the mechanics dependent to it scale by our level. If everyone is fast, then no one is. Occamā€™s razor solution

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oh god no. gankers, randomkillers, and toxic pvpers are going to love abusing this

i hate doomposting but if Vetex accepts the rework or goes through with it. itā€™s over. gankers and rkers will have their way

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Its not even doomposting really its just true.

Only solution for pvers would be to run ALOT of agility to nullify the 25% nerf. They could still run away. Most pvp player run 100 or often alot less agility.

100 agility is the sweet spot for pvp Iā€™d say, but for chasing and running its 200-300 minimum.

Anyway all the substats are getting gutted anyway so its back to a power/defense meta.