Agility rework is here

is 750 even attainable currently


finally, an explanation i can understand

itd be simpler to just remove agility
i never liked complex unexplained game mechanics that you have basically no way of learning yourself

how is it unexplained? agility means fast. more agility means you go more fast.

if anything atk speed/size and intensity are more complex and unexplained. should we remove them too?

you cannot be so deluded to believe that you are correct that you begin to lose comprehension skills, so i will elaborate

agility is an unhealthy stat because all players do with it in combat is run around entire large islands for 20 minutes

it also makes the game significantly easier for pvers (which i dont have a problem with it doing) at little to no significant expense.

i said i would prefer if it was just removed from the game, because in all honesty it doesnā€™t fit in a game like AO. even from a pve perspective, you need to understand when something is unbalanced, even if it makes your life much easier.

ā€¦the rework. yknow the entire reason this topic exists
if agility wasnt there then the whole box check thing wouldnt be necessary, as the runner wouldnt be faster than the hunter (beside potion usage)

and if the balance team still wants a box check even with agility removed, i sure dont get it. you shouldnt have no possibility to flee from a fight ever if both players have the same tools anyway.
now one can argue mages have nothing to chase people with. thats kinda just the problem of a lack of skills, not really the balance docā€™s job

yeah you guys better follow up on that :skull:

the current state of AO is pretty good for pveā€™rs as much as they complain. They got love gels, and can RUN. but uh they donā€™t bother with love gels for some reason and if this agility change goes through hopefully they do start using love gels. I donā€™t know I like seeing casual players around. It would kind of suck if the casual base of the community got killed off cuz u guys didnā€™t follow up on your word.

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Hi arcane odyssey forum can you guys summarize what the past 188 comments have been about okay thank you :hugs:

Agility rework bad vs pvp-heads and balance team

(Do not quote me I donā€™t really remember everything just a lot of disagreeing and someone I think is a lawyer but idk)

Agility feels kinda random since youā€™re usually gonna just use it as a complimentary stat to your breadwinner stats (atkspd, def, power), and it only is ever an ā€œissueā€ when pvers maximize into it to avoid unwanted pvp (which is completely fair and reasonable, why should pvers be forced to enter a combat situation they donā€™t want to engage in? AO is pve-centric supposedly) and besides investing that much into agility sacrifices a lot of other stats in the process so I donā€™t see any issues and I have no idea why theyā€™d decide to rework a pretty harmless stat over focusing on more prevalent problem stats like size and atkspeed



Regardless of if this is true, this isnā€™t something we are specifically trying to address (or even a real issue). It is more the interaction between competitive PvPers (specifically relating to situations where infamy and renown are at stake) where Agility is a genuine issue in the overworld. I canā€™t really speak form experience regarding PvErs zooming away from any confrontation with another player using Agility, but I think itā€™s a bit less prevalent than Agility usage to climb up LBs in a cheesy fashion.

The majority of the reason is because players who are trying to hunt other players are able to run away effortlessly due to running high Agility. Thereā€™s a reason why most if not all the players high up on the Renown leaderboard run super high Agility; medium to high invest Agility is essentially a requirement if you want to actually catch your target (even with Slowness gels). Therefore, we think Agility is primarily an issue when it comes to hunting and renown rather than PvP players trying to attack PvE players. The stat simply makes it too easy to escape for any PvP-related situation without second thought or even basic situational awareness.

As you could probably tell, trying to address Agility where it is most problematic is not easy to do without serious changes; youā€™ve seen efficiency nerfs time and time again work to no avail. Yes, PvEers inevitably get caught in the crossfire with these nerfs and reworks, but even with all the large Agility nerfs that have happened, they still are able to work with the stat.

Additionally, the balance team is working within the constraints of balancing things gracefully and minimizing the inconsistencies in behavior between being in and out of combat whenever possible, and while the exhaustion mechanic may deviate from this a bit (like the cone check for grabs), it is one of the few exceptions that we are working with in order to do this in a way that addresses (and hopefully mitigates) the complex issue of running as well as we know possible without overdoing things.

Attack Speed and Size

There has been a reason why weā€™ve been adamantly applying balance changes to these stats over the last few patches. Attack Speed has gotten into a relatively stabilized state where it isnā€™t super oppressive, and Attack Size is a bit bugged but should be in a good (maybe slightly overpowered?) state after itā€™s fixed, but itā€™d need to be seen fixed.



You know, this is a really weird idea, but what if agility just wasnā€™t as effective on high renown players?

like, somehow it scaled differently for them so it was weaker somehow.

I mean the concept of agility as a stat anyways makes no sense (ah yes somehow this heavy cape with metal pauldrons will make me physically run faster) so itā€™s not like this idea would be that out of the box

ur right, that is a really weird idea :skull:

Iā€™m gonna pour 57.3125487 fluid ounces of slime on you tonight

can confirm, im the slime

mmfmmm go ahead :tongue:

No thank you

I have hired this bee to pour slime on you