Agility rework is here

I don’t think the box check thing is too bad, however I don’t know how bad it is because the balance team refuses to use actual measurements

I guess we’d still be able to use the silly tactics of strafing until someone gets bored and leaves to avoid combat

No, the box check is objectively awful REGARDLESS of the radius.

Guys, we still have a cone check WHICH BARELY WORKS HALF THE TIME. Do we really think this will be any better?

Also, I gotta agree—what in the frickity frack are these measures? Like, I’m a flipping American, I’m used to stupid measurement systems. But this? Who on earth thought that using an invisible hitbox with varying size was a good tool of reference?

to be honest the worst part is how inconsistent the measurement is. Like, at least use Blue Whales or something as measurement instead since those are always the same

METAPOLY RESPONSE INCOMING :scream: :scream: :scream:

It’s a byproduct of not having the size values of 98% of abilities in the game, so we just have to use arbitrary ability sizes for reference.

Aside from Elysium/Munera tiles, I’m not sure how else the size of the box check could be expressed in a way that both vetex and the balance team would understand. At least when ability sizes are referenced, vetex could probably check their internal sizes to compare.

Here, let’s level the playing field for you. Just neuter your PC to the level of an average Roblox player’s—you’ll be using quality specs from like 2018—and just give me a moment to wrap your router in tinfoil. After all, some of us live in places besides major cities with great wifi.

Oh, and I’ll take a few of your items and nerf the enchantments to tier 1, as not everyone has grinded the Dark Sea enough for good tier 2s. Turns out the Dark Sea’s painful to grind, who knew?

Great, you ready to go? Now, just remember that the other dude gets the first hit, and if they’re using a particle-heavy magic, you’ll probably be frozen in place for a few seconds. Doesn’t that sound fun? What’s that? You don’t know how to fight back? Awww, suck it up.


Hmmm, if only Roblox had a unit of measurement that’s conveniently the size of a player’s foot. One that’s installed right on into studio, and even measured with textures on some tiles. One that like half of all games directly reference…

Hmmm, unfortunately no such unit exists, oh well. Guess invisible hitboxes are our best option…


or, you know, someone with more than 20 hours joins the game with a decent sized inventory and your game freezes for a solid 5 seconds


…Was agility really this problematic to require an entire rework? I wasn’t really hearing much about it in the first place.

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if we’re nerfing the ability to run from hunters then we should also nerf the ability for hunters to catch you off guard and get 900 free damage in before you can react should we not?

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Actually think I would be able to compete under these conditions. After all, that is what I used to be on before I upgraded. There are countless tools and settings that you can change from the perspective of a casual player to boost performance. Roblox settings, in-game settings, and third party tools like bloxstrap are just a few examples of tools players with lower-end pc’s can use in order to improve performance. And if you aren’t PvPing, or PvEing, then WHAT exactly are you doing?

at the end of the day, all players were AT this position, at one point in time. there are countless tools you have at your disposal in order to boost performance, as well as ping (just don’t play off-region. for example, floridians stick to miami for the best ping. even if you have bad internet connection, playing in-region ensures you are giving yourself the best chance to win.)

this happens on all computers. I currently a good computer and i also have these issues. it’s a game issue, vet hopefully will find the mem leaks one day

Could someone link the rant that vetex had about agility?
I could be blind but I’m having trouble finding it.

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rip pve mains. Always getting the short end of the stick, now you can’t even run :saluting_face:


i dont see what cant be solved with a simple nerf and none of this box check nonsense.
i still dont see why it should be outright removed, youre essentially asking vetex to rework possibly dozens or hundreds of armors (and gems) that use agility since it wouldnt exist anymore.

this thread really just sounds like pvpers (note: im not against pvp) who got salty their targets escape. out of every harmful stat in the game (cough- atk speed and size) you deemed agility the one worthy of deletion

Thats, uh… exactly what you’re encouraging.
You see those cancerous trackstar warrior builds out there rocking 100 power and 900 defense? They run laps around sameria all day long ganking anything that moves.

Little jimmy has just spawned in and he isnt very good at pvp. He gets spotted by the trackstar and ganked, and he cant run because of the box check.

You’re literally encouraging it because you just removed the agility for players to escape a fight.


Honestly this entire ordeal is just bteam/pvper salt from losing hunts to runners, like half of the changes I see in balance trello to be honest - half baked reasoning, pointless and ill thought out.

I don’t think adding dodge exhausting in any form will ever work. Adding finicky and randomly sized checks to try and guess the player’s intentions will never work correctly and will only make the game more annoying.

This is the only thing that dodge exhausting will change (for the worse).

Lmao I don’t think it will ever be competitive as long as ganking exists. Only way I can see renown representing skill is if it’s closer to a ranked system where people are forced to have fair elysium/munera-esque 1v1’s and overworld pvp/ganking is non-existent.

lol true, in what world is this game competitive…a game where you can just drink potions that give massive advantages mid-fight and use cheesy strategies. if people want competitive gameplay they can go to an elysium tournament or something