Agility rework is here

You can also hit people before they expect it or before the fight starts which can give you a large health advantage (way more than your gear could ever give). I don’t know why people call ganking skillful when you literally start with your opponent at 500+ less hp and whatever other dots or stuns you may inflict.

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i find this quite funny for some reason


The reckoning of Substats is nigh, the AA stat system faintly bellows in the shadows.

We’re return back to the defense/power meta with this one

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I have like a 80% chance of straight up quitting ao if this somehow happens

why does agility need a rework in ANY way?

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because uhhh… you are not allowed to run when i hunt you! :rage:


so pvpers can farm pvers more easily duh! who cares if they aren’t having fun


Can we just call arcane odyssey a pvp focused game at this point like I’m actually starting to not associate this silly pirate world with the lore and story anymore and moreso the constant looming threat that whatever build I like is going to get assassinated tonight by the balancing team because I was having too much fun using it


we need a much more diverse balance team, rn it feels like it’s 90% pvpers in it


I already have a system like this thought out although it would still use main game as the battleground

90%? I thought it was 100%

I’ve just posted a private suggestion that’ll punish random killing a whole lot more than the game currently does

I don’t think going “um… actually! you removed the ability for players to escape a fight” is the way to go about discussing this (:skull:)

Like I said most of the balance team don’t want toxic/pointless random killing to be encouraged, so looking at changes individually and doomposting about how random killing will get 10x worse isn’t a good idea. When a large change like this happens, other things are done to fix the issues the change creates

They don’t explain why running is bad. I just don’t see any good reason for running to be discouraged by game mechanics.

I’m gungho for pvp related activities that dish out good rewards or even drama but players should be given the freedom on how to react to pvp whether it’s running or clapping back, both should be viable.

and if player A wants to restrict player B’s options then Player A needs to create that opportunity instead of it being spoonfed by the games design.

Balance team had a opportunity to buff slowness gels or agility potions and maybe increase the belladonna flower spawn rate but instead they hit the agility substat as a whole.

As well as adding a complex solution to a problem that isn’t even a problem which is going to waste vetex’s time

The issue is that the agility stat allows any player in any situation to completely avoid a fight, making the renown system extremely annoying to partake in. With empires around the corner, agility would become even more of an issue since you’d be able to run around an island to contest or defend it infinitely without fighting back. That’s why this change has been proposed now.

We’re not trying to force pvp, and if any person/group within the balance team pushes for anything of the sort I’m calling them out for it

Why Why Why???

Meta replied to my message in discord with something similar. Why must everything be private?? Why can’t we see the behind the scenes work that goes on? Maybe our impression of the bteam would be so much better?

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I don’t know where you got this from but buffing specific potions to counter a stat hasn’t been brought up and it wouldn’t solve the issue anyways cause the person running could also use those options

The alternative is removing the stat completely and if vetex thinks the agility rework would take too long and wants to remove the stat instead I’m fine with personally. Although removing the stat would also require a lot of work as he’d need to change a bunch of armors/jewels/enchants

Could you link the message or ping me while replying to it?

so? plan better. attack your target on a small island or in the middle of the ocean in their brig so they can’t run away. no need to ruin or delete agility because you cant catch someone.

change your build to also use agility so you can catch them, use slow gels etc., there are so many solutions

“With empires around the corner, agility would become even more of an issue since you’d be able to run around an island to contest or defend it infinitely without fighting back.”
i mean its not even out? can we wait until they release this update and see how agility affects it? and if agility is an issue it can just be nerfed and not removed from the game (like every other stat ever added)


I’m not getting into the politics of this change

I like the idea of agility making you movement abilities snappier and faster, it makes sense to me because high investment makes you teleport so progressively higher investment making your movement progressively quicker would make a nice build up to the high-investment-teleport

As for the box check and exhaustion I think it’s an absolutely terrible idea and should not be added because it essentially just guts the entire point of agility which is movement, who could have guessed?

I think if they just made movement ability distance with agility investment not go as far (like, maybe 25% shorter?) and have agility make movement snappier would work for me personally but that’s my opinion
Again I’m not getting into the politics so if you think I’m wrong idrc my masochistic self will find a way to live with whatever changes are made

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You can’t control where other players decide to go though, I have no idea how you read this and thought it was a good argument

No obtainable amount of agility/slowness is enough to catch up to someone who uses an agility set since attacking people in this game requires you to stay still during startup/endlag, by the time you can move again your opponent will have moved far away from you.

Also I don’t see why we’re even discussing ways to catch up, renown hunts should be based on fighting not how fast you can catch up to your enemy lol