Airship suggestion revival post

Y’all remember the airship suggestion from last month?
Well, I think that was a pretty good suggestion.
Feel free to discuss ideas for it, if it were to be added.

(I really want this to be a thing)


Yeah I remember it. It’s 9999999999% obvious that boats aren’t coming back, but airships would be an alright feature. The only issue is trying to fit it into the games lore.

Skylians still exist

True, but i’m not sure how it will be fueled. I think the suggestion said that you could power it with your own magic or something like that.

I will just knock them down

Would be fun to have but I highly doubt that will happen.

I just imagine them as being way too advanced to make easily. Even if it were possible to make airships, they would need to be built by a specialist and probably for a fortune. Once you actually make it, any clown can just shoot a barrage at your ship and it would cost a ton to repair (ships in AA were cheaper to repair and there were more specialized ship builders).

Sounds like it would be fun but just doesn’t work out.

“hello this is your captain speaking, we will now fire our cannons on the town beneath us, please man your sta-”
[Ace Barion] Ultimate Art: Spark Shot!

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Airship guild wars would be fun as heck, having 1 fleet face off against another

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Noooooo i will just nock them down for fun >:D because i am cool

until a barrage of cannonballs decimate you and everything in a 500m radius

I just want the guild update so i can flex my guild being first on the leaderboard lol (literally the only reason i like the guild update)

Tbh can’t you just raid the other ship using a flight spell

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boarding parties yes

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Actually, while it would be fun to have airships… What are we gonna use them for? Like maybe it’s faster than running but they would become pretty bad once we reach level 150, like horses would have been.
I get how it’s fun to travel with your gang but it’s not really useful.

mhh i guess it can still fit into the lore, but i won’t know how will it be sell and the option for spawning it

Forget airships

Siege weaponry in WoM when?

It’s perfect, the power and most of the mobility of an airship while being much easier to build.

they’d be better for long travel I guess? flight spells take a while to charge up and they drain mana quickly. you wouldn’t have to stop every 20 seconds to charge and recast.
I can see why it wouldn’t work with horses since you’d actually have to go around obstacles while with flight you can just go over them.

yea it’s probably not gonna get added but it’s still fun to talk about

bruh the speed of the flight mode is insane

I doubt vetex can make an airship, yeah i guess an airship can exist, it can use some sort of magic energy to levitate (not float)