Airship suggestion revival post

I mean, hot air balloons could be a thing. I know it’s not an airship but it would make more sense.

Then it will be pointless, it will move way to slow and I am pretty sure they only move up, and it can’t fit a guild

i mean, it could be optimized to have other uses than travel


I mean this and not this below

that’s an airship, AIR - SHIP it just need to float and look like a ship

i was thinking of something like this

yeah me too

Ah apologies, I was only think about a ship with sails. If it’s just a ship that fly then sure yeah.

how much votes did this suggestion get

the original post got something like 60+ votes

Is it possible that the original owner can remake it, i want airships (i just want anything with transport that can hold more than one person)

iirc the person who made the suggestion was @NaCl

I don’t think closed suggestions can be resuggested. This also did not make it into the #suggestions:accepted category

which is sad

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it didn’t get added probably did get added because vetex is too lazy to build it and think how it will work (I didn’t wanted to use the word lazy but yeah)


Can we protest for airships

Airships would be awesome honestly. The ability to basically travel in the air without any obstacles seems nice. Especially when it’s you and the boys. Pretty sure if this gets added the mc would probably have the most advanced version of an air ship possible.

what about the girls >:c

if it gets added it will be very expensive probably like 100k crowns lol. let get this post 100 likes >:D