Airship suggestion revival post

You and the boys just sounds better lol

I know lol

Yoooooo i want airship battles that will look so sick

Airships would be epic.

Vetex pls :frcryin:

this would be a scripting and lag nightmare
keep in mind that magius barely has access to electricity and guns,
full blown airships are just jumping the gun

No magic energy can be used to make it float or you can just use fire, and don’t compare a gun to an airship they are built way different, and it won’t be a scripting nightmare it is literally just a ship that floats .-. the only problem is that it won’t fit into the lore really.

You realize that scripting is more difficult that it sounds right

This is going to involve physics as well.

bruh ill make a thing in unity and send it tomorrow lol, let me get a boat model from blender - swap .-. i can make a floating moving object in like 2min.

What physics, it floats lol

It doesn’t have to go up and down.
Just forwards backwards and turn

Wdym, if it doesn’t go up or down it’s useless

So the two of you suggest that it stays at a constant height.


How high excatly though?

What I meant by physics was going up and down (and yaw and pitch) and not just staying at a constant height. (though you’re right it would be simpler)

Honestly the only reason I say it doesn’t have to go up and down is because landing it might be an issue. I can’t imagine it being hard to script for vertical movement either.

I would put it at around the level of where the cloud islands were in AA.

Not a bad idea (so that they won’t crash into mount seawatch lul).

vetex’s accepted seems to consist mainly of adjustments

Good observation. He hasn’t accepted anything that completely changes the game, like camping and hunting (which I can personally live without even though it’s interesting)

I dont like airships in WoM
Is this a steampunk novela? or a magic game

large moving structures and cframe in games are incredibly demanding as far as scripting and lag goes

even if magic energy wouldn’t technically be required,
a giant ass super-baloon sky ship is way more complex than a fucking gun

they don’t really fit the universe regardless either

Agreed, it would be hella weird to see an airship runnning around

Seeing an airship in WoM would be fucking weird since it ain’t like AA where AG actually had flying ships

They had? i dont remember any of them