all of you lost the right to complain about vetoed QoL changes
Swim speed was never meant to really be a get out of jail card for free, so disabling it when combat tagged by a player is perfect.
It is a lil annoying with sharks ig but theyre not too hard to avoid or kill before swimming anyways
The only argument for nerfing swim speed is the compensation that is being promised as “likely” to happen, but i very much doubt thatll be the case so disabling it in combat is the better choice
… I’m really starting to think that we need separate PVP and PVE combat tags. For more reasons than just this.
the majority literally chose a niche thing over qol, we are so cooked, i hate agil but damn it if people want to run and be chased rather than fight back (even if they start complaining about toxicity for playing the game) then let that be if we have the option to get something that benefits the whole playerbase
It is not niche tho? avoiding ctag by avoiding players isnt that hard if you dont have high renown for a radial ctag. Also you think this game would actually add qol when nerfing something?
The only thing that would work is a pve vs pvp ctag
ive literally only saw 1 guy using them, ive hunted and 1v1ed so many people and only 1 was actually using that set, believe it or not, even pve players want a good build
also yes, i fully believe vetex will add some form of qol change even if they arent 100% as expected by the bteam
As far as ik, most clan and lb players always use swim speed gems, just not a whole swim speed set. But tbf this isnt my area of expertise. As for pve players wanting a good build, yes im 1 of them lol. I voted for swim speed being disabled in pvp because thats literally how you get the best of both worlds. Nerfing swim speed by 50% would make swimming A LOT more annoying
Doubt, but feel free to believe what you want ig
swim speed jewels are key to looting abyssal diving spots effectively, both of these changes suck.
that is literally for the swim gems, just bc some people get their validation by seeing a big number shouldnt determin what changes happen, sure agil is a problem bc its extremely good for running, but most people wouldnt use swim gems to run away, even then its getting hard nerf so it should be easier to catch people that try to swim away
The only way to really fix the issue of swim speed jewels in pvp is to have a pvp and pve ctag. That way swim speed can work as it does rn in pve/no combat at all, while being disabled during pvp
I mean honestly I just want to see PvP stop being catered to at the expense of the rest of the game.
This was never a problem that needed fixing.
At worst they should be disabled if you or your clan is on a leaderboard and you’re in combat.
Otherwise, keep them as they are.
this is literally such a non issue, i cant believe i have to say this but literally get good, if i deal 120 less dmg than normal and i can kill people fast, then someone that not a light conj should have 0 problems killing them as fast
Swimming without swim gems is literally torture… At 50% of its current rate itll start getting close to torture.
I do, and a lot of other people do too. Idk where youre getting this info from
Yes with your ideal change it would be, with mine i just gotta avoid getting ctagged and ill be good. And that wouldnt be hard anyways cuz i already do exactly that and most people who avoid pvp do the exact same thing i do
Youve just shown you actually dont care about this change for pve players, then why even argue? Tf? Pve players usually DO NOT want to pvp. Your change would make avoiding pvp even harder
im talking about swimming gems in pvp, maybe if u decide to fight extremely close to the sea then that might be a issue but at that point why are u fighting near the sea if ur aware that can happen
Nobody uses swim speed gems to pvp, they use it to avoid pvp or escape from it… At best it is used for hit and run strategies but i cant really count that as pvp ngl
I mean honestly I thought the first swim speed nerf was a bad thing.
Who cares if I can swim just barely below brig speeds? It makes the game more fun.
The only people me swimming that fast inconveniences are people that I couldn’t possibly give less of a shit about inconveniencing.
if u attack a player then that pvping, chasing isnt that much of a problem if the guy you attacked has little to now agil, if people are so afraid that their target might run into the sea and start running then maybe aim better or dont fight near the sea
Tbf that kinda made brigs pointless 80% of the time (for both pve and pvp), so that nerf was necessary imo. Another nerf rn would be unnecessary for pve tho
I wouldnt consider 1 player running and another player chasing the first player as pvp but you do you ig. Also how does this argue for a general swim speed nerf which you voted for? Atp it just feels like youre rambling for the sake of it
The PvP agenda…must be maintained