All you need shop

All you need shop
convenience 4.5 2 fairness 5.0 2 trustworthiness 5.0 2

opening a shop to clear my inv


new stock!



  1. perfect balanced meal - A2, B1, C1 Hunger:110
  2. perfect fish dinner 1 - A3 Hunger:123
  3. perfect fish dinner 2 - A3 Hunger:217
  4. perfect fish dinner 3 - A2 Hunger:77
  5. perfect fish buffet - A2 Hunger:129
  6. perfect seafood buffet -A2 Hunger:165
  7. perfect fish buffet 2 -A1 Hunger:122
  8. excellent fruit and mushroom meal-B1,C1 Hunger: 70
  9. decent seasoned fish and fruit pie -A3,B5 Hunger:128
  10. decent glazed giant squid pie -A3,B5 Hunger:364
  11. decent giant fish and fruit pie -A3,B5 Hunger:148
  12. decent giant fish and mushroom pie-A3,B4,C3 Hunger:206
  13. decent giant fish pie -A3,B5 Hunger:147
  14. decent glazed giant seafood pie -A3,B5 Hunger:129
  15. decent giant fruit and mushroom pie -B5,C2 Hunger:108
  16. decent giant seafood pie -A3,B5
  17. decent giant fruit pie -B5 Hunger:111
  18. decent balanced pie -A3,B5,C2 Hunger:188
  19. decent giant seafood pie -A3,B2 Hunger:152
  20. decent fish buffet -A2 Hunger:126
    (cuz im lazy now just say what hunger u want and i search for u, price can negotiate)
boss drops
  1. clean Calvus’s mantello Lv 110
  2. clean Carina’s bracelet Lv90
  3. swift Carina‘s gi Lv120
  4. clean Agros’s armor Lv80
  5. hard Carina’s leggings Lv120
  6. nimble Carina’s leggings Lv120
  7. clean Calvus’s triasta Lv100
  8. clean Calvus’s crown Lv120
  9. clean Elius’s sword Lv100
  10. clean Agros’s cape Lv90
    11.clean Cerynx’s faulds Lv90
    12.clean Cerynx’s boots Lv100

i will only sell lesser, dm if want higher lvl

  1. lesser waterbreathing vial- potency:0.5, 2.5min duration
  2. lesser burning vial- potency:0.5, 10sec duration
  3. lesser mystery vial-potency:0.5, 2.5duration
brewing/jewelcrafting ingredients

2.askew root
3.shark tooth
4.shark fin
7.golden fish scales apple( not accepting galleons)
9.golden pearls
10.whale bubbler urchin spine urchin spine
13.amphibious bloom
14.scorched metal shard( not accepting galleons)
15.volcanic ash( if galleons dont put too much i prefer items)
16.volcanic crystal( same as 14)


(dont understand why but i feel like i should seperate from the other ingredients)

that’s all for now
(price can negotiate)

new items for trading. LF invisibility, warding , healing potions
learn more from this post : Looking for invisibility, healing and warding potions (only trade if start more than 50)


300 seaweed and 2 pearls?

i alr have enough pearls so is there anything else to offer?

one golden pearl? or 200 seaweed and 2 golden pearls

do u have any item like coppershroom?

quite a few, i think i can offer 10.
so 10 shrooms and 200 seaweed?

deal ru online right niw?

yes, ima log in gimme a sec

okay… EeveePikachu54, in the Bronze Sea

i domnt see u

whats ur user


1 Like

looks like we in diff server, ill join u

Gigachad got a golden apple

How much galleons for a lion chest+ lion cape

sry for late reply cuz on holiday. i prefer item but if u want to pay in galleons i suppose 2500 and some other item doesnt sound a lot.

I have 2 if ur interested in buying more.

oo, sure.
10 shrooms and 200 per? like this guy

Idk how rare they are. Do yk the rarity and where they are from?

i think they r like rarer pink apples