Looking for invisibility, healing and warding potions (only trade if start more than 50)

this are all i can offer
i can also accept other potions that ppl use in dark sea

wdym by start more than 50

Basically i wont excepts trades that have less the 50 items (in number of an item)
Ex: 50 warding / 10 healing ,20 warding , 20 healing

I have 2 legendary perfect gilded healing potions

can I sell those

sure what you’re looking for?
(btw its been a while since ive logged back on so im not sure with the value of items)
edit: nvm i know what it is now

so what you giv

Depending on what you offer


Well im not sure of its worth, so u can pick whatever you like. As long as the value its equal.

find someone who is


sure of the worth

Oh ok

Would u prefer armor or scrolls?

scrolls I don’t need armor I think

unless you have a blasted power stat item

then what type of scrolls, i have warship and others but armored just got out

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