Allow further purchasing of seasonals from Julius' shop

Allow further purchasing of seasonals from Julius' shop
effort 5.0 6 quality 4.571428571428571 7 reasonability 4.571428571428571 7


Allow players to buy multiple variations of seasonal items with candy after completing the event.

Details/background on your proposal

Currently after completing the Halloween event, you are unable to buy additional copies of seasonals you’ve already brought from Julius.

This absolutely destroys the replayability of this event as you have NO reason to further use the resource of Candy after completing the event.

I understand the trade limit is there to make sure players don’t accidentally buy a seasonal they’ve already brought during the event, however after completing the event this should not apply. Meaning, once you have obtained the Halloween 2024 badge, you will be allowed to freely trade with Julius for any seasonal in his store. Provided that you had dedicated enough time to obtain the 300 or 150 candy he wants.


Reason to add/change

This would massively increase player retention as players will have more items to work towards even after completing the event.

Currently, all players are missing out on the 31 other color variations that exist on colorable seasonals in Julius’ shop if they have brought The Sanguine Cloak, Bat Wings, Or Macabre Top Hat.

It was also possible for 2020 Halloween items to be obtained multiple times and in multiple other colors as well.

I don’t see a reason this event should be limited like this


extra candy going to waste doesn’t sound so nice

please i need things to do

I mean you can dye seasonals but yeah this should exist

Absolutely immaculate suggestion, I was gonna go grind more candy to buy more seasonals and didn’t even know this was the case so also thanks for preventing me from potentially wasting my time

Hell yeah


They aren’t, they can just dye the ones that they have.
By allowing people to get unlimited amounts of seasonals, you allow no-lifers to grind the event 24/7 and hoard a ton of seasonals that when the event finishes will decrease the value of each individual seasonal in the market. The way it is now, more casual players have a chance to get the most value out of the event without grinding their souls away.

it’s literally an event, it’s not meant to have replayability


You were able to grind the halloween event for 2020 endlessly on the same file

There were plenty of people who had tons of seasonals after that event (me included) and you don’t see the value of those seasonals decreasing in the market.

This is an event that lasts for an entire month, why not capitalize on that to keep the player count high?

But if those seasonals were limited to only 1 per file, they would be worth A LOT more, closer to headless value. The reason why those were unlimited is because we didn’t have dyers back then.

I think you’re mistaking the reason for the value of halloween 20 seasonals being high for them being rare instead of new players being dumb enough to spend outrageous amounts on them

LMAO good one :rofl:

You’re missing something though, you weren’t able to for the last two easter events, so the 2020 halloween has less ground here.

The easter event eggs functioned very differently, as many of the eggs were fairly easy to obtain (as simple as going to X location and picking it up), and considering it’s a different seasonal event, it makes sense that it has a different structure of obtainment.

Well then how about this. What if everytime you bought one the price got higher. Then it gets harder to grind more.

also @Bio what if after getting a quest item you can buy it from him or the original npc again for candy (since u would have to redo the quest), or just being able to redo the quest and select which (just trying to add to suggestion)