Alright what the hell did doublerun do to get such a notoriety in these forums?

idk about that

I think it was before my time…

I vaguely remember him defending a racist and calling them cool. He also owned a newspaper which he used to defame people, spread lies, and spread hate.

Ok so he’s the antoons of the community. But do you know what he suggested about rng?


did you say racist?

This is also relevant

Honestly i’ve been around the internet so much that defending racism really isn’t that uncommon to me anymore. Never touching bestgore AGAIN!!

he is a friend of an infamous person that’s quite racist and threatened to ddos the forums a while ago
cough angmar
he also crybaby’d about the tester application thingamajig about it being unfair and such and we literally proved everything he said wrong

on top of that recently he dropped wom for grand piece online and got banned for trying to buy a logia devil fruit with robux :clown_face:


But that doesn’t mean it won’t go unpunished

I believe Doublerun privated the Arcane Herald issue that got him demoted. This is the only part of it I could find.

For context, the paper was written my Angmar and published by Double. Also, you have to click the down-arrow to see the image.

I beg your fucking pardon?

Are you saying… Those testers AREN’T vetex’s friends? I can apply?!? Oh my god.

Anyways alright so he’s shitty. Anything else?

Is that a real news paper?

If so then that’s much worse.

they had to be a bit selective for quality control, but its not biased at all (level 50+ and select people that are trustworthy can take the tester applications)

Children read those

Wdym real? No, Double does not own an actual newspaper company. It is a semi-weekly paper that Double posted on the forum.

o-o Oh my lord… I’ve never seen such an open oppourtunity.

Okay thank god. Didn’t want little timmy to be put under such influence. But still that deserves a

dog bruh from me

he’s friends with a guy named angmar. angmar is a racist homophobic bitch who has IP grabbing as one of his hobbies.

Damn. That’s gotta be an L from me. Alright I got my understanding