DoubleRun signing off!

There’s a different between association and owning the newspaper he sent out and then blaming other people about it when it’s HIS NEWSPAPER.

What the fuck is happening here

You called me racist. I’m not racist, and I’ve said many times that I don’t support that part of Angmar

This man really do be making an entire post about him leaving

Doublerun was generally disliked before that. I don’t think alvonotte is specifically referring to Doublerun’s publishing of the infamous 8th issue. I’m not sure but I think Doublerun was demoted because he got too many flags after the 8th issue was flagged and tbh I don’t really disagree with that post getting flagged but it is a pity that he will never be able to regain regular status. Although I agree that it seems a lot of the hate coming towards him is due to him seeming relatively apathetic towards Angmar’s racism, it’s oversimplifying to say he was left behind because of his connections or because of guilt by association. I feel that you are mischaracterizing this issue and the people involved in doublerun’s leaving the community but more importantly, why are you going after Alvonotte who had no part in that? It’s not apparent to me that Alvonotte’s opinion had any influence on that matter or somehow contributed to doublerun leaving nor is it clear that Alvonotte is even happy about it. Alvonotte’s post is specifically about the general feeling about it which they don’t necessarily share and it could even be interpreted as critical rather than supportive.

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When did i call you racist? This is a clear example of misinformation but also an excerpt from your newspaperok
The first paragraph implies misinformation and racism. I’m not here to restart drama but don’t act like you’ve done nothing and you got demoted for no reason at all.


sniff sniff
do i smell drama happening here?

Its for the sake of clout

Double run literally considers a guy whose entire personality orbits around screaming the n-word and being unironically racist “the coolest person ever”, yet he says he is not racist himself???

I was one of the people on the interview with him for fat fish news, he actually just screams n-words and thinks he is genuinely hilarious

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To people like you, I understand why he would.

OH so you consider that people deserve getting called racial insults? That’s quite literally racist my dude.


You twist words so much. I’m careful with my words.

You said that I deserved getting called a n-word, I never distorted your words.

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I said I understand why he would. I never supported it.

Hence, I am implying why I understand that people like you should be insulted, but never by racial slurs of course - thats Angmar’s thing.

shut up nerd and sign ur ass off already

in the first place

not only … but also

as a matter of fact

in like manner

in addition

coupled with

in the same fashion / way

first, second, third

in the light of

not to mention

to say nothing of

more gae ass transitions for u to use

I don’t know if I’ll miss you DoubleRun. I feel bad for you, a part of me thinks you didn’t deserve this, but another thinks you did. The people here who are replying with messages that are all so happy your signing off is just making me feel sad. This post was not a casual demotion message, it was an apology.

Why so mean?

ok dumbass, this is not an apology.

  1. i don’t see a “i’m sorry for my retarded actions”
  2. no one would give a shit if he was apologizing, we would still be doing the same thing.
  3. stop simping

Stop simping? How am I simping? You are sounding very cringy rn. But, I do agree that he didn’t actually apologize though.

Well, then you got a cold heart

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