DoubleRun signing off!

Heyo lovely community.

This post is just to tell ya’ll that I’ll be stepping away being active on the forums and any community things, like guild drama. From now on I’ll be focused as a trader, as well as just leading my own guild, Spellbreakers.

If you haven’t predicted already, I’ve been demoted of my Regular rank, due to the 8th Release of the Arcane Herald, and the extreme controversy it sparked. I knew it was going to go controversial, as with our previous articles, but I honestly never knew it would break the rules - Around 50% of all the remarks were about my affiliations with Doge King and Angmar, not the article itself. I also knew that a vast majority of people hate Latom, Suncry, Noble, and even the toxics at guild hub, so frankly I didn’t see how this post could go too bad. Let me tell you here. The post itself was not racist whatsoever. Just a bunch of insults threwn by Angmar. Literally all the complaints about racism and rudeness stemmed from previous actions done by Doge King and Angmar, and how people couldn’t believe I was working with them.

With that being said, DemonNightLight has stated that the demotion will most likely remain permanent.

My journey as an active member of the Forums and community has been a fun one, and I’ve made friends with a lot of you, but there’s also many that absolutely hate me. On that note, I find this the perfect time to leave my post as being the most controversial motherfucker in the community.

If you wanna shoot me a trade, just find me in #marketplace.


this ain’t an apology. No cringiness, just a casual demotion message :cry:



:crab: :crab: :crab: .

it sucks to know someone like you have to stop over some controversy

Good luck on your trading tho.


I change my word because I have no idea what just happened to avoid other’s sending hate to me over not knowing what’s going

edit: @Spider_Language read Doublerun topic

what controversy?

what is reading

whats with your attitude? why are you so butthurt? is it that time of the month?

at least i have a pfp :fr:
and that doesnt explain your attitude that youve got for no reason at all

yea but like what was it in that herald newspaper thingy that was so controversial? I didnt really understand what happened

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“our” who tf even are you? just a fucking nobody

get a pfp, Mr.Nobody

Fragile, can you get the fuck outta my post? Why are you accusing him of his pfp?

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Couldnt have said it better :clap:

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He just didn’t know about the controversy, and was asking. Then you expect him to change his pfp, call him a 9yr old, and expected that he read one topic out of hundreds on the forum.

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Honestly why are you here… you’re ruining my dramatic exit from the community…

Respects have been paid ;_;

What’s wrong with Thai people? :fr:

doublerun is no more swag