An interesting detail about vitality: The color of your soul

This was an interesting detail I only noticed now and didnt before since I never really used any of the Vitality builds… and thats the color used for Vitality.

Vitality would refer to the lifeforce of a person here, and we know Vitality is all about the soul as we are getting Spirit Weapons or something like that.

What’s interesting is that typically, you would expect Vitality to be colored green here as it’s usually the color of nature and life. (And this was shown twice with Randal and the Growth Curse, and possibly Cerynx? As I heard he may have Life Magic and his cults are all about green)

But Vitality isn’t colored green when you do your charging, it’s actually blue, and any ability you use associated with Vitality will also be blue.

This color also appears whenever we spawn:

No matter what you have as a magic or build, it would always be this color blue from the looks of it.

I mean, you might say that blue is just a color that is everywhere on AO so it makes sense, but note that this is a different blue as AO’s main color motif such as the title, it mainly uses Cobalt blue rather that this normal shade of blue. It’s more closer to…

Might got something to do with MC’s relation with Poseidon and stuff. I dont think it changed to blue due to Poseidon’s blessing or something as it does appear when you spawn even before you do your First Awakening (as shown above)

So I guess this means MC’s soul color is blue? So if MC becomes a ghost, they would probs appear blue lol. Which could also in turn mean that they would canonically, have blue as their main color scheme with the AO gang then (not the same as Warren tho)



As someone with a Knight file as the MC of their storyline, this makes me happy


My friend has a theory that we didn’t actually receive our first awakening from Poseidon and instead received a blessing from him. On top of that he thinks that we might get 3 awakenings instead of two. Il admit his theory could hold some truth. Could be a cool twist in the story and he also mentioned your energy charge changes slightly after you get your first awakening as there’s a second energy “wave” that’s blue which is the same colour as Poseidon. Haven’t checked yet in game but it’s a decent theory that I hope comes true.

Thats actually the Vitality charge. If you got a build that has Vitality (Paladin, Knight, or something), there will be a second wave of charge. Thats the Vitality charge going alongside the other charge for your weapons.

So far, I think its the Vitality routes are somehow the only ones where the charging effects gets combined with another charging effect? But I havent checked all other charging effects.

There was a bug back then when AO released where somehow the Vitality charging effect will appear by default even long before you do your awakening. I was sad to see the blue effect go tho

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Vitality also gives blue charging effects.

And if you look in the CHOOSE YOUR PATH image, you’ll see what I believe to be a Warden on the far left. Those blue effects might be its damage resistance awakening. The patch notes say that resisting damage has special particles, this could be that. Or maybe it’s just a close-up of a vitality build charging energy, who knows.

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Yep! Was gonna add it in the post, but I didnt have a proper image of the charging effect aside from some poor quality YT thumbnails that actually show the Vitality charging effects alongside magic effects, which look very cool ngl


Ah I never noticed that. Thank you!

p sure we’re definitely getting more than two

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How so? :thinking:

we’re getting out of the dark sea with this one :fire: :fire: :speaking_head: :100:

what if each blessing we get adds a new color to our souls and eventually our souls become white/rainbow :new_moon_with_face:

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gay soul

So as we progress through the story, our character becomes gayer by the day? Lmao- :joy:

be gay do crime :joy:


I just want a water-light clash that creates a burst of rainbow light.

Don’t forget glass

because the max level at the end will be 1000?

its just the generic roblox forcefield my g


@DubiousLittleTyp0 i told you its blue
