An interesting detail about vitality: The color of your soul


2, crap i forgot what i wanted to say

If there is one thing I learned from the lore is that Vetex love three things:

  1. Blue (especially teal)
  2. Fire
  3. Chaos
  4. More fire

Vetex likes:

  1. Fire
  2. Lightning
  3. Any type of blue

Actually, other class charge effects DO mix with your other charges
Its hard to see, but the Weapon shockwaves and fighting style shockwaves are present in hybrid charges.

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for weapons, its a tad hard to see with certain weapons, but it does add shockwaves the same color as the weapon’s aura, with examples being shown by the goofy goober that is my conj

commodore kai’s sabre

siren bow


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Metal conjurer… You have awaken my ptsd NOT THE DAMN BRICK CLAWS

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