An interesting detail about vitality: The color of your soul

The irony is that my comment was a joke omg :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

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Yeah. But you still replied to that comment and then forgot that you ever saw it. Whether or not you were joking doesn’t matter

I literally just forgot is there any problem in that I don’t need to remember everything I comment in a random forums topic lmao

I actually never noticed how the Choose Your Path image had all 4 main builds with Vitality, Magic, Fighting Style, and Weapons

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It isn’t your fault, but that isn’t how irony works. I wasn’t accusing you of being ignorant I was commenting on a coincidence

You fail to realize that the reason why people cant deal damage to you when spawning is basically your spirit absorbing damage

At the very least Ekrix shows that spirit absorbs damage

It’s in the same order as they are in the Info UI, too. In the Info UI, from top to bottom it goes Vitality, Magic, Strength, and Weapons. The “choose your path” image goes Vitality, Magic, Strength, and Weapons from left to right.

I seriously doubt this. Vetex has already shown the cards: between two Awakenings, and lost and ancient everything, the lost and ancient magics/fighting styles and reasonable equivalents for all builds, will be stand-ins for the third awakening.

Only “3rd awakening” I could see is a possible reinforcement of our character’s foundations. Going off of what I heard about the 1st mind magic for mages at least being reinforced/improved later in the story as we presumably acquire lost and ancient magics.

My soul is not blue my balls-

ngl, i wonder if spirit weapons will req for u to have a % of ur hp or more to be usable

for example, a spirit weapon ability will req u to have 70% or more of ur hp still there to be able to use it

Huh, for real? I had a newer juggernaut file with Plasma Nova Magic, I thought the color was from that.

I’d have to check back on my dark metal juggernaut, that’s so cool!

Regardless of what magic you choose, your spirit charge will always be a teal/cyan color

i thought souls were green because the vitality stat was green

its green because blue was already taken by magic

actually, why is magic blue?

so far we havent seen the color of magic energy yet right? it could be purple or white or rainbow color for all we know

i guess Vetex just makes it green of ease of acessibility or something ( some people cant fcking read )

I like to imagine this is how it looks when some all powerful mage decides to flex:

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Wave magic - BLUE energy magic that steals energy from opponent
Soul - Blue
“Magic is comes from the soul”


oh, i thought that since you lose hp with your attacks, your attacks control the environment (since everything has magic energy) by giving up part of your soul to control it (losing hp).

that my speculation