Ancient Magic Elementals (Primordials) (Open Art Collab)

Life could be a tortoise because longevity and stuff
Now that I think about it, some kind of World Turtle would make more sense because life grows on their backs
Kinda Like this : World Turtle | Toriko Fan Fiction Wiki | Fandom
Or this : Torterra (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia

I also think pressure could be a leviathan because deep sea monster and they look cool

That’s very true, yet we’re having a lot of snake-like creatures. Don’t know, great idea tho.

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make obama life magic
obama is love
obama is life


Why is electron and equinox the same animal

Also really similar to Ouroboros too. Lots of serpents

Earth Elemental: The Tortoise is a bit too similar but idk

too many mf snakes smh

About the Apocalypse Bringer… Perhaps Zagan, one of the demons mentioned in the Ars Goetia?

I do picture these scavenging around, flying above ground searching for food in a barren apocaliptic place.

image broken but idrk how much I wanna do that, we’ll see

To what extent will this be an art collab? Will people be able to join?


where does the amphisbaena take a shit if it needs to

anglerfish for pressure too, it lives in deep pressure and is frightening like being crushed

art of infinity will either be star platinum or the world-

Might be too humanoid but some Aztec gods could work for art of sacrifice.

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I think a lot of those gods have animal-esc forms so I might look into that. Any particular ones come to mind?

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Tepēyōllōtl is the most animal-like god I could find.ēyōllōtl

Huītzilōpōchtli is more associated with sacrifices, however they are very humanoid.


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Life magic could be a treant


Too humanoid (said somm similar about ent for Wood magic)

*Vietnam flashbacks*

I swear the trees started speaking.

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