Angled High Jump Change

Instead of every angled high jump being locked to being one direction (left, right, forward, backwards), you would get a specific output depending on whether you’re holding w, a, s, or d. Feels like hardly anyone would go any options besides forward or upward, maybe backwards as a niche mix-up. You shouldn’t have to take 2 spots just to do a high jump in a different direction.

You have to hold a direction to start doing the angled jump, if you hold no direction once you release it goes the first direction you inputted. It can also just default to forward if you input no direction.

This would also effect magic dashes in the future, you hold w, a, s, or d and get a specific output depending on which one.


This is to help better visually understand how the suggestion is. These are just a few of them. Assume that this person has an angled high jump equipped and does these exact inputs.

W + Jump (Forwards)

A + Jump (Left)

D + Jump (Right)




That seems like a good idea. So you can keep it upward only or have it respond to which way you are moving (I’m kinda confused)?

You either keep it upward or you can have it angled. If its angled, it will do the following if you press wasd, but if it’s upward, it will always go up. I’m gonna put in that if you don’t press wasd while doing an angled high jump, nothing will happen.

Ok thanks for clearing that up for me

no problem

Why not just make it a slider
with 0 to 90 degree
And u can just pick what direction u can go, and making it a magic dash at the same time

That can be a separate suggestion by itself. Could easily be added to this but that’s besides the point. This is to blend all directions into just one option.

oh ok
So i did miss the point entirely

yeah i think so

Sand corrupted my puny brain

oh, now i understand the point of it

yea thats pretty nice idea + plus it wont be just a spam of forward or up high jumps, and it gives even more possibility of dodging mid air

wait, if i press high jump and dont move
what direction will i go
or will i just go upwards

you have to hold a direction to start doing the jump, if you hold no direction once you release it goes the first direction you inputted

Makes sense

I don’t really like this part. I think you should go upward if you do an angled high jump without pressing WASD. Otherwise, it would be annoying if you try to high jump without pressing WASD and nothing happens. Using a spell and having nothing happen is unintuitive and players will likely take a few seconds to realize why they aren’t high jumping.

The upwards only option would remain.

that can be an alternative method if things go south. ill list that in just in case

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