Animation Pack Mixing

Animation Pack Mixing
effort 2.5 2 quality 3.0 2 reasonability 5.0 4

Animation pack mixing :

It would be cool if we have the option to for example choose default Idle with boss charging, or boss idle with default charging, or coward run and default charge, basically mixing between animations and making your own custom animation pack.

I’ve been playing arcane odyssey for a bit now and I’ve noticed some animation packs have very interesting animations and others have very off putting ones, I’ve thought maybe if the game gave us an option to pick and choose what animation we would like to have for each movement/action then it’d be really cool and give us a lot of freedom.

it would offer more freedom and uniqueness as well as an extra layer of monetization, perhaps make it so you can only switch and mix between animation packs you already bought


yeah its a pain when you use a animation for something (boss animation charging) but dont want the other animations like standing etc

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EXACTLYYYY, I really dont want the cross arm idle I wanna just stand upright


AR has this and i’ve wanted it in ao, more animation customization is nice to have.

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Already been suggested but still a cool idea

ah, I didn’t know there was a previous suggestion like this 1, thank you
he’s wording my idea better

Boss walking and everything on cute

never used cute but you are always hyping it up is it really that good?

already has been suggested and it was apparently too hard or long or whatever, but maybe a ton of votes would show him its worth it

I hope so too

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