Announcing my non-traditional Forum ARG Event! (Yes there are prizes)

I’m curious about why the red has a “t” in “otne”…
Maybe it’s a name instead of referring to “we are one” ?

Pretty sure I can’t get any more information from the certificate. They are def from redwake though, hence the lack of last name.

I wonder if there’s anyone at red wake in game that mentions anything about this?
Maybe an NPC or something that has the same name?

I got a file at redwake currently let me go check

Can’t find anything yet but interestingly there is a guy who talks about Harwell’s Treasure. Unrealated to the ARG but I thought it would be nice to point out

There’s also a person who talks about the previous chief of Redwake, who supposedly was cursed and took some soldiers out into what could be assumed to be the dark sea never to be seen again, but other than that, no clues on who Kreel could be

Hmmm, guess we’ll have to wait til the story comes out in a week to get more clues.
I’m thinking the colored text belongs to separate characters that each die in their own way. Hence “it burns” or “it got my leg”.

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I’m guessing the plot is a sea monster or just chaos

Wait has it started already

There are colored letters in the text. There are yellow, orange, green, blue, red, brown, and pink letters.

Yellow letters: itgotmyleg (It got my leg? Probably a monster catches one of the crew member’s legs)
Orange letters: itburns ( It burns. Credit to Bio)
Green letters: iwontleaveyoubod (I won’t leave you bud?)
Blue letters: eliza ( Eliza. One of the crew members?)
Red letters: weareoten (We are oten???)
Brown letters: (is there even a brown or is it all orange?)
Pink letters: cantstopbleeding (Can’t stop bleeding?)

Bro, my back hurts now from leaning into the screen to do translations.

Read above, @Bio said that Orange is
and that Yellow is

WHOOPS TYPO. That was a dubious little typo. Alr, I’ll fix orange.

Absolutely you are allowed to work together, and I in fact encourage it as I believe though it’ll probably shorten the ‘puzzle’ part significantly it will make it an overall more enjoyable experience.

Haha sorry about that I was gonna brighten the colors but I also realized many of the clues were obvious as it stood.

Its fine, I reset character and fixed my back.

For, @Darkzoul1234 ,@Bio and @Randomness , you solved the first and only clue so far, so you get a further preview into what exactly this story will be like:



Thanks, already read this.

Maybe Kreel drowned thanks to insanity? Probably jumped ship.

All info I currently have

I’ve messed around in Gimp with the contrast and the certificate 2 does just look like a really bright, desaturated and contrasted version of the first certificate. Doesn’t explain where the extra scribble things came from.

I’m still confused is it starting right now?