
effort 4.8 5 quality 5.0 3 reasonability 4.9 10


The silverhold receptionist should have an option to “Request Anonymity” for a small fee. This would have the following effects:

  1. Your reputation will not increase past 0. It can still decrease.
  2. You cannot join either the Grand Navy or the Assassin’s Syndicate. You will still be able to join Juraserva when it becomes player joinable.
  3. This effect can be removed by speaking to the receptionist again.
  4. If the player would have shown up in the Agora for something that raises reputation, instead their name is replaced by “an anonymous hero”. They will still show up under their name for deeds that lower rep.

Details/background on your proposal

The “canon” interpretation is that the player is requesting the Grand Navy to withhold their personal information from records of their good deeds. They wish to remain unknown to the world.

Reason to add/change

A lot of players constantly reset their fame in order to remain neutral. Since they never really gain much to begin with, they’re only spending <100 galleons each time, and it just becomes a hassle. Especially as the Nimbus Sea currently lacks a Grand Navy base, staying neutral is more difficult than ever. However, there are a lot of players who don’t want their reputation to increase.

Given that resetting fame is already an option, why not make it a little less tedious to maintain neutral rep?


I mean like imo its good and dont see any problems with it
other than people crying about less bounties to hunt or something but just wawa pvpheads

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It’s fine ig
I mean we already got the positive rep FF so

some people want to stay neutral to avoid getting hunted, having the positive rep shield doesnt help with that

granted, having neutral rep doesnt mean you’re free from being hunted, but it should help somewhat… probably

As a neutral rep who has to reset my fame EVERY time I exit the dark sea from killing Atlanteans, this would be amazing
As well as that, I can sink pirate ships to up my deckhands levels without the hassle of resseting fame

Idea is nice and all but a more detailed approach would be needed to make this work for bounty players, because it seems like this just highly favors fame players.

Since bounty players can be anonymous but still lose reputation, then it wouldn’t be anonymous for them in the first place and wouldn’t be a true neutral path. Personally due to the way knowledge spreads, doing whatever while being anonymous wouldn’t be possible but maybe the player would have to do an equal amount of good and bad actions to keep their neutrality status (maybe that’s what Juraserva does?)

This seems like a good idea but it still needs more time in the oven. I have more that I made over the course of like 8 months for a renown rework but it still needs to be perfected.

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Hunting criminals (npcs or players) should either give no renown or instead destroy the anonymity

please i need it but wait, what about players in clans? specifically in high renown clan?

The problem I have with anonymity reaching over bounty as well, is that we would be asking the Gravy. The. Gravy. To ignore our bad deeds and not lower our reputation. I don’t think so. And as for Assassin’s hideout, for bounty, it wouldn’t work as well, cause they have to release false info, not just blur out our name in an already done report, You get what I’m saying? I like the realism of this game, so I’d like it to stay fairly real. Even tho we’re literally firing balls of magic like 5 minutes into the game, maybe 10. Lol.


sounds like a cool suggestion this could be added

Anonymity should be restricted to heroic deeds and not actions that would give you criminal status. So as long as you don’t break the law, you’re practically a ghost.

makes sense

cool I guess.

source? cause to my knowledge, its just a newspaper company

The recent qna, there was a question about joinable factions and vetex mentioned that it would be the third faction

the skew towards fame players is on purpose.

By default, you can play the game without gaining any bounty. You cannot, however, play the game without gaining any fame.

In canon, bounty is more of a drawback for choosing to play a criminal, while fame is more of a benefit for choosing to play a hero. So choosing to not gain fame is rejecting a benefit, while not gaining any bounty is a removing a drawback.

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Good suggestion but I think there needs to be more drawbacks for doing it, being unable to join gravy or syndicate doesnt seem like enough.

okay who the hell is this @2brian guy marking every post with a ‘:sob:’ emoji