Another QoL suggestion

Another QoL suggestion
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 5.0 4

Vetex added a server age and automatic shut down, yes, but it would be great if we had a server list to choose from. It wouldn’t have to tell you how many players are in the server, but it should tell you how long it’s been up and if it’s full or not, as well as the region.

some other QoL suggestions that haven’t been talked about in a while:

  1. Remove Spell Chat Bubbles
  2. Remove Textures
  3. Disable tree movement/leafs falling
  4. Remove Leaderboard

(removal of textures actually does help FPS idk what people are saying that it does nothing)


dont see why these shouldnt be added tbh

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I agree with each one of these (assuming by leaderboard that OP means player list) The chat bubbles are very very sight restrictive when using shift lock, it’s caused me to mess up quite a few times, I can’t say much in regards to the texture and tree movement suggestions but if they genuinely do improve FPS then I really don’t see why not.

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couldn’t agree more then

Should probably mention they are optional


there is such an option in settings to remove the spell chat bubbles

no there isnt, that only works for chat, not the actual bubbles

@hanmbi this option also removes the spells in the chat box. which chat box spell names are useful for helping avoiding sneak attacks and such. what they meant by chat bubbles is the actual bubbles that pop up above the characters head, they’d rather have those disabled instead of outright disabling spell names in bot chat box and bubbles

so the characters still say it, but it just doesnt appear in the chat?

removing textures is gonna do so little, idk why people want it so bad, we just need the memory leak fix, and barely anyone is gonna have problems.

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