Anti-mage clan is real!1!

knights scare me dude theyre literally just warriors without boss weapons and vindicator
but they have more health and likely more skill

Ima be real here but what if spirit weapons are something that knights just don’t touch because normal weapons are superior lol

(we just want the damage resistance + extra HP :shushing_face:)

what if spirit weapons are fucking dumpsterfire garbage

if spirit weapons are just the same as normal weapons ill be pissed

calvus staring in sheer horror as the knight eats up his 1500 damage cringe dork aether beam attack

“Is that the best you got?”


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piercing shot: aka the mage annihilator 3000

What if they’re just like normal weapons but blue

“zone this, filthy casual”


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My honest reaction when a magic user jumps into the air to attempt to shoot a tiny little beam at me (i am going to open a golf ball sized hole in their head)

My honest reaction when the mage tries to zone me with blast spam and keeps their distance (I have a really cool move called spiraling fury)

hmmm : r/hmmm

spiraling fury vs running up to them and cracking their skull like an egg (i fucking love halberd r)

I just like how this went from an anti magic clan to a knight appreciation thread

im a warlord but i think knights are very cool
one of my friends is one of them

iron leg or thermo

(virgin or… decent)

Can warlocks join?


OH hey that’s new!

they said warlocks are fine but they need more strength than magic

Warlocks need more strength than magic.

(honestly it’s still kinda dumb because warlocks still have magic in their kit therefore that’s going against this clans motto)