[AO Art Contest] Awakening

Me when water and ship and etc.

Logo from THE artist ever Tobi don’t know how you wouldn’t know em by this point.

No logo ver.


Remove the loincloth from Poseidon and make it accurate to real sculptures :speaking_head: :fire:

ravenna sword

its so PEAK and anyone who disagrees is FALSE

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Most Peak art ever, we ballin, also I wish I can draw gods THAT magestically, like broski is MUSCULAR, very VERY COOL :fire:

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Not many people remember the splash effects during Awakening 2 electric boogaloo, nice that there’s art for it, as a reminder of the team’s work.

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Alright, we found our winner :fire:

Jokes aside, this is amazing

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peak art

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This is gorgeous! Tobi_lets_go

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Peak peak peak peak peak peak peak peak peak please win


Only if you win first bestie

Nuh uh you’re getting first place bestie

Aren’t there 3 winners?

There’s three winners but one first place

And this is the artist getting first

Twenty eyes gaze upon you with varying stares of judgement…

that’s kinda 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂

fire :fire: dont stop cooking man

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Ngl, of the ones I’ve seen I think this ones got it in the bag. Not only is it really good and encompasses AO super well, but it is also kinda just perfect for a server banner.

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