AO Combat Poll (2)

Given recent events and changes, now feels like the time to repost this after a year or so of waiting.

Remember, PvE player or PvP player, I want to see all the answers completed.
If you do enjoy PvP, your experiences in PvP are important.
If you do not enjoy PvP, your experiences in PvP are important.

What do you consider yourself ingame?
  • PvE player
  • PvP player
0 voters
Do you enjoy combat in AO? (1v1s)
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Is AO’s combat skillful? (1v1s)
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Do you enjoy AO’s combat (not 1v1s)
  • Yes
  • Only when they have more people
  • Only when its equal
  • Only when I have more people
  • No
0 voters
Is AO’s combat skillful (not 1v1s)
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Do you enjoy bounty hunting in AO?
  • Yes
  • Only hunting
  • Only being hunted
  • No
0 voters
Do you enjoy PvE in AO?
  • Yes
  • Only bosses
  • Only regular enemies
  • No
0 voters
Do teams of players make the game more fun?
  • Yes
  • Only when I also have a team
  • Only when its organized by both sides
  • No
0 voters
What build(s) are you?
  • Warrior
  • Mage
  • Berserker
  • Warlord
  • Warlock
  • Conjuror
  • Savant
  • Warden
  • Paladin
  • Knight
  • Juggernaut
0 voters
How much impact do builds have on AO’s combat?
  • All builds are equal
  • Most builds are balanced
  • Most builds are unbalanced
  • Every fight feels unfair in one way or another
0 voters
Do the impact of builds affect how fun the game is?
  • For the better
  • For the worse
  • No
0 voters
How is the movement?
  • Too fast
  • The correct speed
  • Too slow
0 voters
Where is the skill ceiling?
  • Too high
  • The right place
  • Too low
0 voters
Where is the skill floor?
  • Too high
  • The right place
  • Too low
0 voters

@Meta Would it be realistic to get this poll pinned so as many people see it as possible?
Maybe a link to it also put in balance server and possibly even the main discord?

To put it simple, I want a bigger and more varied sample group than last time lol.
I want to know what the community really thinks about the combat.

Where is the skill floor? (PvP)
  • Too high
  • The right place
  • Too low
0 voters
Where is the skill ceiling? (PvP)
  • Too high
  • The right place
  • Too low
0 voters

Skill floor way too high bro new players can barely keep up


i dont understand half of this lingo so imma vote randomly for some of them :wolf:

only in regards to pvp though , pve skill floor is fine except for calvus

Given all that was just said here I’ve decided to add a few more polls but editing the post would delete all the results lol.

Done 'n done, I slapped them onto the first reply I made.

you cant really change the skill ceiling cuz thats basically just aiming and predicting
you cant just prevent people from being good at aiming… unless you just make attacks so big aiming is significantly less necessary

for 1 week

Even during just wom pvp it was difficult to learn but now we got all this ao shit

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Thanks meta for the pin, I hope this gives everyone valuable insight on how the community views the game as it currently is.

im most shocked about this poll ngl. People enjoy fighting regular npcs and/or atlanteans?

calvus is by far the most fun fight in ao imo. Not only the first time you fight him but also after

I agree, but the non-boss encounters aren’t bad.
Like obnoxiously overleveled atlantenas obliterating in areas of the map we realistically shouldn’t be going to (and have no real benefit to go to yet) shouldn’t really be taken into account for that lol.

Maybe so, but after a time it gets too boring. The same fighting patterns over and over again. Random NPCs and atlanteans are usually more interesting (when not too weak or too powerful) since they’re different builds and all, and provide more variety.

for the most part i agree. Any lvl 140 or lower npc is still a decent fight but not too difficult. But any lvl 140+ npc is just not fun to fight. Same for any i1+ atlantean (which we are supposed to fight)

ngl i enjoy pve because im less likely to lose and then get an “ez” in the chat by some toxic kid


i get that fighting calvus becomes boring but i would much rather fight calvus than any i1+ atlantean or any lvl 140+ npc


I honestly find atlanteans to be less of an issue (even when at like level 500) than the nightmares that are nimbus sea rival NPCs.
Those things are not ok lol.

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Yeah, I mean like when they’re not too weak or too powerful.

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i agree on average but i1 atlanteans can have the craziest builds known to man. Recently i fought one with 5k hp who did 500 dmg with their claw projectile (forgot what its called) and since they only had claws they kept coming close to m1, use the claw projectile and use beast instinct. By far the worst fight ive ever experienced excluding i2+ atlanteans

5k hp, op dmg and fast movement speed is not okay


Regular npcs are so fucking strong in nimbus they might as well be bosses