AO Drip Check

A bit of Corrina Drip I made with the patch


The scarf, coat, and hat give a very comfy look



He got ts on FR

this would be cool if the game had chest bandages as a clothing item

Did some things with the hair (matching the end part of the hair to the beard)

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Ayooooo what a conincidence I just got this idea as well

Sorry if this isnt related but I took some scenic shots

Absolute cinema (could’ve been kino if it wasnt for the nerd stats)

Yeah, I was inspired by black-and-white films

The Knight Angelica Aletheia


I got a trimmed cape! Its nice looking! You cant see it from this angle but trust me, it is there.

Huh I’ve seen someone with that exact same outfit ingame before. He just randomly jumped onto my ship.

Ive done that a few times… Its possible it was me!

Could be :thinking:

made this save today, she’s level 8 rn, her name is aura gutierrez and i thought she looked cool!! :3


Recent drip update

Done to try and integrate the primary magic’s colour in an appealing way.
Think I might have finally done it.


What helmet is this?

A steel or titanium red plumed helmet. A relatively recent item from the same time as the story expansion. You can also dye the plumes if you want.

They also added steel and titanium bucket helmets and gladiator helmets, which are pretty nice. If you go for the heavy armour look, the pieces are becoming available for some very nice looks.

Where can I get them and what does a full set look like?