AO Drip Check

some lore i made up for him

only the elites know of him and hes a miere legend for the common folk, his spear and bow are deadly and his shield will protect him from anything, for criminals, he is just another desert dweller

extra early stuff


Nothing like a good glass of sand in the morning


insert the gif of the guy eating sand


Yes, this one

Drip or Drown?

Drip. Though nighttime kinda makes it hard to see imo but still. Drip.

Goes hard af but the hat kinda ruins it for me

i second this, you have drippy ass ninja…
what? why does he have a military hat

What should I put in place of the hat

If you want a somewhat similar style to the military cap then I recommend canvas hat but I also recommend experimenting with a variety of hats (I’m assuming you like to have a hat)



skib idi gyat :drooling_face:/10

Simple, but elegant

how do some of yall create such amazing simple drip?!

I just kinda thought “hmm what if i use these capes i have not used ever since WoM” and tried to make cape combos and i accidentally made those jackets that have fluff by the neck area.


drip or drown? (Also he’s the mogger)

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I forgot I also have this version of his drip, sadly I don’t have the vanity gamepass so I can’t have the headband with it.

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I think this version of his drip is a whole lot better