AO Drip Check

Sand Paladin :money_mouth_face:


eats you paladin

The flower dress legs I think make you have long legs even after you unequip them (until you reset/rejoin) if I remember right

dawg couldnt you have checked the message right below that? :sob:

she looks edible (literally)

I approve of this drip on behalf of the Sand Users Committee

sand users unite


:fist:(3 characters)

also we got any canyon variant users in the house :eyes:?

i had a canyon mage in wom i was planning for warlock but i gave up on it

the only canyon user in existence no longer exists :cry:

I’m coastal variation :pensive:

i noticed, half of the beige items go with your very bright/saturated variant

i suppose it is my duty to change to canyon variant next update to complete the trinity

preview of my drip after the transition next update

I might sack the drowned arcsphere for a normal one once i get canyon variant and ill of course be using the canyon variant of mage pants

also this is the second time ive ever used carrina gi in a way i like

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Ngl, I think you fucked up on the goofy part this honestly looks kinda cool.

Arcspheres get messed up with hats because they always clip through :pensive:
I wish they cut off the model on top when wearing a hat

Or raise the hat up slightly so it fits

dapper witch hat is the only hat ive found to work unfortunately (unfortunately as in the bright 'ol feather on it)

Arcane odyssey part clipping update. Tbh if vetex spent 3 months working on just that I’d become a patron

or the ability to visually adjust your accessories to look better (shrinking/expanding them, rotating them to certain degrees, obviously they would have limits to avoid… problems.)