AO Drip Check

Honestly that would be peak

A roblox highschool game had this, it led to someā€¦ interesting creationsā€¦

And is that supposed to be BAD?

in this case it would be more restrictive

Bedivere Balestre, A Berserker

Iā€™ll probably either change a hairstyle or change the colour to make it match later but I am lazy right now

changed the upcoming canyon drip with more of a somewhat desert dweller, and i changed my guys skin cuz uuuuuhhh sunburns = more melanin (the best justification i could think of for it was that my grandpa is white but he works outside with cattle a lot so his skin is darker where he is exposed the most (aka his neck and up and where his sleeves donā€™t reach))

and of course warrior boots are temp cuz i cant get canyon sand mage pants


guys his last response was in september why is this topic still alive

who is this guy!

Based response

bro just spawned

to be fair there is a difference between ā€œhasnā€™t responded since septemberā€ and ā€œhasnā€™t looked since septemberā€

true but how we know he looking

unless he reacted

thats the funny part

we dont

i check this daily!

keep posting. :fr:

bro has been checking this daily for more than 1 year that is wild

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alright then, check my drip

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One more for your collection is guaranteed once I get my hands on canyon variation

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WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP SAYING ITS MID IT LOOKS FINE TO ME seriously though can someone tell me how the heck to improve the drip

gold variation?