AO Drip Check

Don’t ask
The fbi are watching


Least edgy Shadow conjurer:

Yes I did it on purpose but he actually seems like a good character that I’d love to draw. Only issue is that I don’t know which pants to give him since I wanted to stay with the default to keep the edgy style. But on the other hand, I don’t wanna draw feet that’s weird lol

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Try warrior boots

I think just the long black barefoot pants could work, or barefoot black shorts too. It would give him a vibe that he’s insane, the eyepatch and lost left eye already sells that.

Yes but I don’t want to draw feet lol

Not like I can and I always do halfbodies anyway I just hate feet

Here’s mine

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wait but how does he see…

Archie Vance, my shadow-explosion-thermo savant, though might change him to paladin if all of savant’s selection keys are too much for me

Him in… Basically underwear I guess?

He wants to die right now.


bros got the homeless drip :cold_face::cold_face::cold_face::ok_hand::ok_hand::fire::fire::fire::100::100::100:

Too lazy to copy and paste those images so have this link instead. How does my old fart fair, and which one is the best? Also he’s an explosion warlock.

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That’s the neat part, you don’t.

Just kidding I did it because it looked edgy and that’s the whole point of Azumi. He’s supposed to be edgy character to the point where it’s goofy.

we love basic :muscle:

Bobby Ankh, Moonlight and Metal mage

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The strongest fairy


where the wings.

one of my outfits


didn’t found

Kinda drip not gonna lie
