AO Drip Check

this is literally just the armor set with a theurgist cape. :neutral_face:

looks just like my rival LOL

i like these keep them coming please :nod:

Does this hat look stupid on my plasma mage? My hair goes through damn near everything

hair clip doesnt always look bad. but if you dont like it keep trying different hair combos :nod:

Sort of.

Decided to update both my Savant and conjurer files:

Ditched the bandana and backpack and replaced it with a scarf and a fedora also decided to add him a stubble to make him look older.

As for my conjurer I replaced the sailor jacket with a black merchant coat which is much more Bloodbornier.


:nod: neat

actually would give slave knight gael vibes if I had a beard


okay so is nobody gonna question how he has crystal imbues while being a sand warlock??? :moyai:

That’s the sort of power you get when your name rhymes with warlock


Sorry for the quality but here


A fellow cloak + wanderers robe user W

used to be a sand warlock, was unhappy with it so i deleted the file and made a carbon copy but with crystal :3

Sand Demon (2)

The harbinger of the sandstorm. Managed to make a mummy wrapping without actually using mummy wrappings.

also @Fiter120 cameo in the background.


first time i’ve seen someone use mercenary boots well
and MAN are you good at making outfits

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we love visual bugs


I probably have a better image but here’s my basic combat warlord.

Don’t ask.

oh my god im stealing this… this is only 3 vanity right? Scarf, eyepatch, whats the last one tho

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