AO gang headcanon anyone?

I cant read insanity chat anymore :sob::sob::sob:

Weird, I was messing around with it recently and never got killed by it, I only saw the fake damage with the purple indicators

Meanwhile I’m still looking for a list of all of the tier 2 & 3 popup quotes lol

tier 2 killing is currently a glitch, it happens sometimes

Yeah I saw about it on the list of bugs provided in Vetex’s discord, I guess I’ve just been lucky with it

(though I haven’t gotten so lucky with the screen discoloration glitches caused by dying to tier 5 insanity gained from sailing into the Dark Sea by accident, it’s always left my screen permanently tinged red until I rejoin)

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Using Warp (something from a Minecraft mod called Thaumcraft) as a comparison to insanity because they’re pretty much the same thing when you put them next to each other (both cause hallucinations, distorted senses, strange phenomenon, etc.), I feel like the explanation for the actual damage caused by tier 4-5 insanity could be related to at least one of the illusions actually proving to be real (or it somehow attracts something that could kill the player, idk)

i think morden probably can make a good pancake


Just one good pancake :pensive:

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Wonder what the others would be good at making :thinking:

(well, other than Iris, who would probably produce something burnt, and MC, who can cook basically anything as long as they have the ingredients to make it lol)

Iris watching in horror as I purchase every ounce of food from the market vendors


i hope there will canonically be a food shop stock crash when ever you finally stop cooking

Pfft, Abigail for sure wouldn’t be the one to cause that bc everything she gets is gathered instead of bought, but she’s learned the hard way not to use certain things for food or mix certain things (like caraway and cursed mushrooms) together though

gotta have a whole collection of cursed mushrooms(I’ll take them if you don’t want yours LOL)

Morden will die to PK when they are collecting the curses.

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I think PK will leave him alone if he doesnt cause trouble or mass murder people.


…if he’s even alive by then.

He might not kill him but leaving him there is a liability because others could kill him so PK would probably take Morden with him or trap him

If someone kills Morden, PK could just easily seek out where it went or find the person who got it. If PK takes his curse, it would kill him (because he has an elemental curse)

It would be unnecessary if Morden was a good guy till the end. And he probs isn’t someone who’d be killed or get his curse stolen by the endgame

If Morden got killed PK wouldn’t really know in time to find the curse before the killer, or the killer could’ve used a Devourer.

Also the killer would prob be really powerful so that’s there also

Can’t tell if it’s ur headcannon given the thread but if so then pay no mind to what i say.

If it's not, from what i've seen so far in the lore there isn't anything stated that would imply this. PK *could* take the curse and use it but by the time they're traveling out for curses they've already murked Hades and would probably do the same to any curse user depending on the dangerous potential and power of the curse regardless of how trustworthy they were. Death, Apoc (If thats actually a curse idr), Promethean, etc. Are curses that come to mind that PK would likely rid of regardless of the person probably.

I know that in the old WoM lore it said there were some curses PK didn’t collect and destroy (excluding the Magma, Light, Steel, and Ash Curses bc PK let their respective users keep them) because they simply couldn’t find them, so maybe the Death Curse could’ve been one of those if it wasn’t destroyed by PK, idk