AO gang headcanon anyone?

Not to say people didn’t try.
Many heroic souls tried to stop them. MC found themselves killing their old allies, over… and over…
and over…

They begged them to stop, but MC couldn’t. At first, they wanted to, but they couldn’t stop! It was too stimulating, too interesting! There were so many possible choices, and MC couldn’t help but want to explore them all!

When one becomes immortal, at first they try to make the most of it.
Then, it sets in.
At that point, they must choose, depression, or chaos? Eventually, they will decide to burn the world around them.

Wouldn’t this be seen as justice, MC would think, after all, I’m sparing them of the dull reality, aren’t I not?

If I were to make a dedicated story to MC, it would start with their truly justice seeking and righteous personality, but that personality would twist, and turn, over thousands and thousands of years.

And at the end, eventually, they would quit.
Not quit evil or good, but simply give up. An ending similar to Kars’. Infinitely waiting for death, to be revived once more…

For eternity.

so, what do ya think? prettty cool right? :DD

idk bout you but sunny is a nice guy

maybe he’s been alive for thousands of years but sunny kinda just doesn’t enjoy fighting and enjoys sunbathing

Hehehhe… will sunny be a nice guy after witnessing his friends and loved ones die over and over, and each time he hopes to join them, only to be revived once more and wait for that same death?

he has went down the path of wisdom and enlightenment and now he has realised the true joys in life are doing the simple things.

like eating pie you made.

the good ending

sunny realises they probably will go to a better place and the best way to remember them is to keep living until your time calls.

the BAD ending

I feel like there is a way to permanently kill the MC and I have the unhinged theory that the canonical real ending to AO will be that we all die except for morden and iris, who just maybe visit our grave or something and look out to the sky beyond, watching the sun rise.

and then everything after that fades to black, we see the game’s title, credits play, and then how we continue playing after that is through playing through “memories” of each location that the MC experienced.

maybe even get access to a super cool afterlife postgame sea?

so basically ruby roger changed his name from torren

Y’all headcanon are starting to scare me


meanwhile I’m over here headcanoning stuff like how bad rep MCs justify their actions with regards to the story and what the dynamics between the main characters are lol

Couldnt agree more, meanwhile im just fanficting with my brain about ao characters lmao


louis nebula is the walter white of AO

I just finished reading the latest aa webtoon comic and this one page just gives me trauma

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Who just eats like this

What is that bro
What kind of person eats like that

“MC, let’s plant sky pumpkins.”
“But Mr Nebula, how do we plant sky pumpkins?”
“MC, get me regular pumpkin seeds from that orange island.”