AO gang headcanon anyone?

“MC, we NEED to plant.”

Plzz hide it, gives me the creeps :smiling_face_with_tear:

Cult of Iris kicking air right now

too late its here for the eternity to haunt ur dreams >:)

Alright I’ll take a few shots

  1. Iris acts extremely angry because she is extremely miserable and fucking sad, she is likely very prone to mental breakdowns

  2. Morden has no problem with, and is perfectly capable of murdering innocent people to achieve his goal. Even if this isn’t true now it definitely will be. The curse kinda makes that inevitable so this might end up being canon soon.

  3. Neviro has a British accent. Idk why I think this but I feel he does.

  4. Calvus spoiled the absolute living shit out of carina when she was a kid. And was on Elius’s ass 24/7.

  5. Edward Kenton knows if we’re complete threats to the entire war seas, he just doesn’t care.


neviro and kenton are around the same age and act as the older brothers that have to reign everyone in
iris and morden are the troublemakers

zuko and azula


since i spared elius does this mean he can come back and help me fuck up the order

I sure hope that happens

yeah i hope that sparing elius and carina would have them come back, maybe even as deckhands or something

Considering how much they fucking look like eachother you may be more right than you think.




  1. Iris not only is a bad cook, she almost exclusively produces burnt food.
  2. Iris has a sweet tooth
  3. MC is a hoarder
  4. MC has an iron stomach
  5. MC actively combines random foods and enjoys the amalgamations. They usually turn out good, but the idea of the combos are just weird. Ex: Shark, wheat, swiftcaps, and watermelon
  6. Morden gets regularly disgusted by MC’s food combinations
  7. Ever watch Vox Machina/Critical Roll? Neviro is essentially Percival De Rollo but weaker.
  8. Neviro hates hot weather/hot things
  9. Neviro can’t handle spicy
    9.5 The others regularly spike his food with spicy stuff
  10. Iris also loves spicy stuff, MC loves umami, Morden likes flavorful stuff, Neviro likes fancy food, Warren likes bland food.
  11. Shura thinks of the MC a lot, and views the MC as a rival.
  12. Ruby Roger views the MC as a rival/friend
  13. The gang in terms of intelligence (smartest-dumbest): Warren, pre-amnesia MC, Morden, Neviro, post-amensia MC, Iris
  14. MC is a true neutral, and their reputation varies island-to-island
  15. Cirrus, Frostmill citizens, and Redwake citizens like the MC. Palo, Ravenna, and Shell hate/dislike the MC.
  16. The Redwake innkeeper & chief freaked out when news of the MC killing Calvus came out (if you do make a comic PLEASE include this cutaway gag)

Morden x Neviro
Iris and MC platonic chaotic duo
Warren group grandpa/voice of reason

All members of the gang are perfectly fine with committing murder, some less than others. In order of most to least willing: Morden (post-Death curse), Iris, MC, Ren, Neviro

(again, mostly food stuff)

  1. Swiftcaps are sweet
  2. Cursed mushrooms are completely bland
  3. Cursed mushrooms are used for drugs (either processed or raw)
  4. All sky fruits are extremely sweet
  5. Every island has a school. Vetex leaves them unlabeled so people don’t bomb them intentionally.
    5.5. This means most individuals are literate
  6. Juraserva has some type of ability that grants them ultimate knowledge/awareness.

These are all really funny but I don’t think that Palo would really dislike MC, I understand Shell somewhat, but Tilly seems to have forgiven MC for leaving her to be kidnapped.

Commodore Kai and Mayor Tilly are married
Commodore Kai and Merlot wake up extra early ljust to hate on eachother
Revon still wets his bed to this day.
Warren kills white eyes for food
Commodore Kai is Mexican. That beard just screams Spain Emperor
Morden often thinks about mc when he sleeps.
Merlot and Whis’s English voice are exactly the same.


mayor tilly walks in watching kai stab a wall as explosions come from the other side seconds before he dies


Mayor Tilly witnessing Commodre Kai stab a wall multiple times and then dying(someone was on the other side of the wall):

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this is what happens when I use incorrect quote generators lol (Abigail Quill is my good rep Conjurer MC):


Your mc’s name is abigail? Thats so cute


in my eyes, Morden is omnipresent and will vanish the moment you look away.

Just like my parental figure :smiling_face_with_tear:

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