AO gang headcanon anyone?

wait huh- how does that work?

there are multiple indications that there is something special about the MC that definitely sounds like it’ll factor in in some major way sooner or later, especially given what Randal and Poseidon says about them (Randal says the MC is destined for greatness, and Poseidon reiterates this, calls the MC “the strongest-willed of all legacies”, and entrusts them to do better than what he and the other gods did), so I feel that the story would be different with the MC dead

Yea but since Morden was also part of the experiments, he is probably just as special as the MC.
Hopefully us being special in some way will at least be a major plot point in the story because Morden feels like he could do our job, but just better.

Morden wouldn’t need the awakening, as he has the death curse. (Which completely removes the awakening quests)

The only thing that would be hard to figure out is how Neviro wins against Calvus (bitch so weak he was knocked out instantly)

Morden said that the mc went through far more experiments in his journal

yeah, plus there’s a few too many indications of a “the chosen one” sort of trope at play to say that the story would be the same without the MC

it’s beyond me, though, since Vetex seems to really like making some parts of lore pretty enigmatic

Basically in a nutshell


Haha yeah, there’d probably be a lot of fighting too cause there’d be both good reps and bad reps in one area

One more headcanon before I forget about this thread:

  • Morden could potentially be bisexual




  • mc is non binary cause ppl refer the mc “they/them” :ok_hand:

In Morden’s journal, He keeps referring to MC “they/them” :eyes:

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Either Vetex simply doesn’t want to give the MC a canon gender or he’s an ally to non-binaries /hj

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better be both

Fairly certain that’s just so that you can play as either gender (or genderless) without being contradicted by the canon.


yeah, cause vetex adding a mechanic where you have to pick your gender at the start may be a bit weird
easier to just make any mention of the mc “they” as opposed to giving the mc and randomly generated npcs genders

Despite his stoic attitude, I feel like Neviro would roast the heck out of people(in his mind) when they mess smth up.

He and Iris probably like to have some back-to-back banter.

Neviro and Edward would have the strongest bond in the gang since they both know how it feels to live a lonely life, do nothing all day and not know what your life has come to.

When Neviro goes to help Revlon with Ravenna their dynamic would go from:

one sided hatred on Revlon’s behalf
to tolerating eachother (awkwardly) to keep the kingdom alive
To “hey it’s not like I’m worried but get some sleep, jeez.”
To finally functioning like a good team
To eventually becoming friends and doing something about the Order.


Morden here roasting other ppl already:

Bro has no filter. The death curse influence must be kicking in already

Or Morden’s just spitting facts; Neviro has a spear yet his dumbass ain’t using it to, y’know, spear ppl. Game of Thrones-looking mfer. ('Least Neviro’s infinitely better than Joffrey.)

Congrats bro, you just roasted all spear weapon users in ao

Bunch of headcanons, as well as theories ig?

  • MC is dense and dumb at times, maybe due amnesia. Like… legit, went up to people asking “How you get into For Talos” barely hiding any intent. Yeah…
  • MC was a somewhat skilled fighter before being captured by the Order. They manage to fight well even without memories, presumably from muscle reflexes
  • Combined with that, MC was a strong-headed one out of all the others during their time with the Order. Would silently fight back and resist or try to protect others, which may have lead them to being experimented on the most
  • MC might’ve known something really important before losing memories. I mean, whatever is in their past might be important as the memory loss was constantly brought up throughout the story.
  • MC became a little… jaded from that one month time in that prison, causing them to be even more harsher than usual when dealing with King Calvus. Lacking sleep, lacking proper food, and then suddenly has to fight a crazy evil king that killed so many innocent people. They were probably very pissed that Tuesday.
  • Morden only cares about MC, as they are all that he has left. Like, he might still be a little upset if something happens to Iris and Neviro, but if you mess with MC and Morden finds out, you are 100% on his kill list. You cannot suggest otherwise, this actually happened according to his journal… RIP Julian
  • Also, instead of the Death Curse just making Morden “evil”, it just makes him numb and detached from those around him. This is mainly due to his trauma from The Order and losing those close to him, in which the Curse adds to that
  • Morden is just really good at stealth. This is helped even more by the fact that people tend to overlook him for some reason, since not much about him seems to stand out at first glance. This stands in contrast with MC, who is always drawing attention to themself. This may have played a role as to why he’s not experimented on as much as MC
  • MC, Tucker and Morden are descendants of the “Big Three” of the Olympian Gods. MC is from Poseidon, Morden from Hades… Tucker was probably Zeus, and you’re probably thinking why this guy got killed so early. But remember, Zeus died first amongst the three, so go figure
  • The voice of reason of the group will switch between Neviro and Morden depending on the situation. Neviro is very smart and perceptive, but he can be idealistic. Morden isnt as perceptive as Neviro, but he’s more rational. So depending on the situation, either one will be the voice of reason.
  • Neviro and MC are actually very similar in which both have very similar ideals and sense of justice. Just that Neviro ain’t as strong as MC, and MC ain’t as smart as Neviro.
  • Neviro doesnt actually have much magic capabilities. However, dude is built like a tank, and will probs will later fight like a tank in the story. At the very least, I don’t think he’ll be using magic.
  • Neviro’s greatest strength will be his quick thinking and leadership. He might excel at being a battle strategist/tactician, which is so vital when it comes to warfare, especially a place where its constantly at war
  • Neviro may or may not remind Morden of Tucker at one point (both were said to be really smart)
  • Neviro was kind of in a depressed state before MC and Iris came into Cirrus. Dude has been chased for probably all of his life, his family is probably dead. When he overheard about MC and Iris talking about Ravenna, he regained his courage to go back
  • Morden himself was one of those people that Iris threatened with her magic when they were looking for MC (lmao)
  • Morden and Iris are similar in which both are just down-to-earth kind of people who would prefer just having a more simpler life rather than big adventures and saving the world. (Morden is doing it as he sees himself as the only one who can do it now) Stands in contrast with MC and Neviro.

Didnt post this right away as I wanted more for Iris but I can’t think of any atm… maybe I’ll get more later