AO Hardcore Run: Ascent of the Mighty Commoner

Vetex said that fighting styles and weapon users couldn’t be nearly as strong as a mage or a curse user. Since the player is a magic-user by nature, and even forsaking your magic still implies that you’re using magic to empower your strikes, I’m doing this to prove that even the lowly commoner can conquer a god if he tries hard enough.


  • Casting spells or using spirit rites is not permitted.
  • You are not allowed to put points into your stats.
  • Your magic bar must be a neutral color (no reds, blues, etc.)
  • Your name must be very basic.
  • You cannot get assistance for any story-related boss fights.
  • You cannot receive items from other players.

For this run, this is what I went with.

Immediately as my adventure began, I found my first stroke of good luck–an instrument of death.

Since Magic and Spirit Rites are out of the question, and I can’t level up my stats, weapons and basic combat will be the only resources I have to get shit done. My guess is that weapons with high base damage are going to be the play here.

Right now my game keeps disconnecting because ROBLOX apparently has lost its sense of object permanence, and decides that when I’m tabbed out I’ve vanished off the face of the earth forever. I was going to write this as I play, but in light of this, I’ll instead update this thread with new posts between play sessions and collect screen captures of my experience during gameplay.

Warning ahead of time if you didn’t already know, you’ll need to spend all your stat points for awakening, you can reset again right after

Obviously put them in fighting when you get to that point so you can still use weapons and fs

“hmm what if i wanted the game to just straight up not be fun”


I kinda did this already bosses from the bronze sea are relatively easy but just requires some (alot) of movement anything beyond that (nimbus sea boss maria) are generally hard because at that point the game expects that you would have dark sea enchants and loot.

captain maria’s gonna be hell with this one

this is just a gun build without skills

that is only if you want to get the awakening
you can just progress the story even without spending stat points, it will just not give you the energy regen and your class’ awakening

i did Maria with like 1 dark sea enchantment ( my luck is bad and my motivation is nonexistent ), he’ll be fine ( probably )

Y’all are doing Maria with tier 2 enchants?

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bro, i literally killed cap maria with no armor fr.

Using knife throw skill only

maria is easy so long as you dodge well, fought her recently with level 50 iron armor and some random accessories and i was fine, you just need to get away when she uses her aura

fr, i have played for more than 1k hours on PvE that I already memorized every moves of the boss

1k hours of this games combat against enemies is crazy it cannot be that fun to you

Lol, everytime I finish the story line, I create a new account with different class or magic. In fact, I have more than 50+ files in total but just deleted it cuz I want to try a new skills or class T-T

And each file last for like 20 hours trying to find something fun before I get bored and delete it

i’m back and i got screenshots of my gameplay up to the end of frostmill

montage thru these pics with this music


honestly the game went pretty smoothly, but it became like butter when i found this weapon

these were my stats going into shura. bro got worked, i just used musket and camped him out. expect more of this


this was me after fighting like 9 brigands. dont worry. i got better

iris i used the same strategy on as shura, but i had the foresight to record the fight going in

you can find the fight and any future battle clips in this google drive since the files are too big to put in this forum post

if you’d like to see one where i don’t do dashes because dashes are kind of a supernatural thing, just ask and i’ll do a fight


this was my fit and my status coming out of that.


overall i’m feeling pretty confident right now. i’m still not sure what i’m gonna do against elius or calvus, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there


if you weren’t familiar, damage does scale with level, which is why you’ll see my damage increase as the game goes on. also i’m not restricting myself on how i gain levels since ultimately exp gain is so trivial you could stumble into max level without ever seeing redwake

anyway, i’ll try to be quicker about next post, and i’ll be handling the stepstones part of the game next, which should be way harder


every single challenge run:

in my opinion, you shiould really get dual flintlocks
its damage is almost equal to that of a musket, and you get 2 whole shots out of it!
i would recommend all guns build and then using basic combat as melee

how are you gonna awaken?

I assume 1 point in weapons?

put all points in strength, awaken, then immediately stat reset