AO Ideas Trello

Just had the re-formulate a few phrases

I went to take the Neutral Magic description for Arcane Magic

Where was that again?

It rings a bell, but I don’t know where from

It’s bassicly the same concept


There was quite a few people talking about it a long time ago. Do you want me to make stats and that for arcane and polychromatism?

I need more Magic Ideas, I order everyone on this forum to gimm theyr ideas :gun:

Just for Polychromatism yes since it’s the more unique one

And an Icon if possible

I think I’m gonna search the forums for Magic Ideas intead o just waiting for them to being sent to me


Description: A lost magic of vivid colours which mirrors the effects of other magics similarly to how the moon reflects the light of the sun. It has a glowing neon effect similar to light magic.

Effects: Each spell is given a different colour and represents a different magic. This spell is given the effects/gimmicks of the magic it represents; for example, fire DoT, ash clouds or (some of) metal’s clash rates. It also can replicate the effects of lost and ancient magics but these are rarer than base magic effects.


  • Damage: 0.875x
  • Speed: 1.3x
  • Magic Size: 1.0x
  • Part destruction: 0.5x
  • Structure destruction 0.45x
  • Clash rates: All neutral, except it loses against the magic a spell represents.

*Some magic representations can change these stats.

I don’t really know too much about stat balancing, but I tried to make it sort of below average stats.

Icon might take a few days since I have homework :/
But I will draw it up, eventually.

Wait, you’re in school ?

When were your summer breaks ?

Two weeks ago were my last school holidays; my summer holidays are in December and January. Next holidays are in several weeks

And yes, I am in school

I mean from what date to what date were you summer holidays

Why would you want to know exact dates? As I said, my summer holidays are December-January. If you are talking about June/July, that’s a short winter one for me.

Oooooh you’re in Australie or something ?

Yeah, Elment likes to meme on me because of it

Plant Magic - Base magic idea

Description: Plant magic is a magic that has the appearance of vines and other plants. This magic would also have 4 variations total, those being:

Vines - Green vines
Thorned - Greenish brown vines with thorns.
Blossoming - Light green vines with red and pink flowers.
Withering - Dark green vines with some parts black and charred.

Plant magic applies a stun called “Tangled”, which stuns people for 3 seconds. This effect also buffs the damage of firey magics

Stats: (I don’t have enough time to specify so it’s just gonna be words lol)
Damage: Below average
Speed: Above average
Size: Average
Part destruction: below average
Structure destruction: low

Magic ideas can only be Lost/Ancient since Vetex said he will never add more base Magics, new variations for allready existing base Magics are allowed tho