AO Ideas Trello


[Serpent’s Haze]
Rarity: Legendary
Item Type: Accessory
Description: “The lost desires of all those within a haze, far gone after gazing into the eyes of the Medusa.”
Features: A strip of albino red clouds wrapping around the user’s neck, anchored to the world below by its wearer. If you zoom in close enough, you may see scales beneath all the vapor.
Stat Distribution: Holds a combination of Intensity, Agility, and even some Warding at higher levels.

Tier 2 Sailor Fist Suggestion -
Vapor Condensing:
Battle using the humidity naturally in the air around you.
This will grant you a quick passive recharge, along with all a greater AOE effect on your attacks.

Tier 3 Sailor Fist Suggestion, Continuation of Blood -
Plasma Suction: You’re already able to fight using your own blood, why not take that a step further? Using the power of pure muscle and willpower, control the salt and water within your blood to strengthen and harden your skin.
Each time you manage to make a successful impact upon your target, alter some of their bloodflow, causing them to slow in Energy Regeneration and Speed.

Lost Fighting Style - Mimic
Description: Push the potential of your technique to the limit, and learn from the mistakes of others to truly make your own.
Mechanics: This is basically a copycat Fighting Style, allowing you to “mimic” the effects and abilities of Weapons / Magics. Whenever you get attacked by another player, you’ll temporarily gain a variation of one of their base spells / skills, with a strength-type twist.
Let’s say you’re fighting a funky Mage, and upon attacking, you copy their Blast spell.
Realistically, how in the world would you be able to copy a magic spell if your entire life, you’ve invested yourself into building muscles.
Instead, you’ll try your hardest to copy the blast spell, and like shoot a ball of air or something idk i lost motivation like midway throug tyoping this sentencdzi[Z"G

schizo magic (i made this especially for you @anon82052662 )

description: a magic where nothing is truly real anymore, delusions become truth, truth becomes a lie, deception and despair dance in a hideous yet glorious display, your mind is gone, your reality, shattered.

Size: small (0.8)
Power: extreme (1.9) + insanity infliction
speed: fast (1.9)
clash: decent, has a neutral clash with all other darkness type magics, including equinox.
schizo magic has no synergies with other magics.

schizo magic, a magic that manipulates the very essence of insanity itself, despite it’s unimpressive size at first glance, schizo magic grants severely debilitating and powerful delusions to it’s victims, as well as dealing massive damage, and inflicting insanity on it’s own, being very capable of quickly reaching stage 2 insanity in it’s victims, it adds it’s own nasty delusions and trickery on top of the insanity it inflicts. The effects of schizo magic can be lowered with warding, however.



schizo magic at lower tier insanity levels may cause the victim to see multiple versions of the caster, being unable to tell who is the real one and what are simply delusions. This effect lasts not for very long, but can be quite obnoxious in a fight.


schizo magic may cause the victim to believe they are suddenly much more powerful, this stage boosts the victims stats by a decent amount, however, in exchange, the victim takes much more damage from attacks and damages themselves when doing attacks of their own.


inverts and scrambles all player controls for a short amount of time, but mainly this stage is for providing a very solid decrease in visibility as well as jumpscaring the victims’s screen with nightmarish faces that look a lot like this:

this magic also causes the victims casting speech bubbles to appear as jibberish, for example:

instead of: “lumber blast!”

it may appear as:

“wood… uh… geheehhee…!!!”




I’m gonna make a boss that utilizes this magic too probably

ambush lookin ass magic

The Sky’s the Limit
also known as Synapse X magic

Description: aisohifnipbjifajbohifd sjobibjoij
Features: ashiopfjiipgi0djivbjijjn
Steps: Oil, Fly.

is it good :pleading_face:

honestly kind of funny how its so powerful yet so small

maybe nerf damage and speed a bit and its pretty good


I kind of have an idea for a lost fighting style that works similarly to sailor/thermo fist which absorbs magic ash pollution in the air and utilizes it in attacks, having ash magic effects.

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we don’t even have any curses to base the stats off yet

fully making this idea now:

Rising Ash Style

A lost fighting style developed a couple centuries after the world had been broken by Durza, which involves absorbing the magic ash polluting the air and imbuing them into your fists. This fighting style gives ash-like effects at higher levels.

Tier 1 - Risen Fist

This fighting style would have a bar on the side of your screen which fills up slowly, and fills faster when you’re underwater. This bar would stop being filled when you are in a stun (such as frozen or petrified). Each attack would create ash clouds every hit, consuming a bit of the bar every time.

Tier 2 - Rising Pollution Fist

Upgrading this fighting style allows you to have longer ranged attacks which each deal a small DoT called “Ash Pollution”. Similarly to Flare Magic, this DoT can be stacked on people. When the DoT is stacked at least 3 times, the opponent is instantly petrified for 3 seconds. The bar also fills faster when on land with this upgrade.

This is definitely going with the Phoenix curse boss idea I wanna make

lag magic
-teleports the player to wom on hits

Ancient Magic: Chaos


Chaos magic is a manifestation of the sheer, overwhelming amount of energy the being “Chaos” emits throughout the universe. To go against one with chaos magic is to go against death itself. The magic can create factors that humans cannot even begin to imagine. Due to chaos being unstable, those in the past that have attempted to harness have ended up destroying themselves rather quickly.


General Chaos - Chaos is uncontrollable, unpredictable, and unstable. Trying to use it is a complete gamble. On one hand, the user could have an excellent magic output and do possibly even thousands of damage in one hit, but on the other hand, they could end up merely tickling their foe with their strongest attack. True chaos basically randomizes the magic stats every hit

Eventual Chaos - Chaos comes in different forms, due to how unstable chaos is, it ends up also affecting its user. Every single attack the user makes fill an invisible “gauge”, every time this gauge is filled, the user will suffer one random debuff effect from any magic and have a chance to gain a medium portion of insanity.

Physical Chaos - Physical Chaos is a manifestation of chaos in a physical form; this form is also unpredictable. Physical chaos is somewhat straightforward, every hit the target takes, they have a chance from 5-50% (randomized each hit) to get ANY random status effect, this will always last for 6 seconds and does not stack

Absolute Chaos - Absolute chaos is the true, final, ultimate form of chaos. Humans, no matter how strong or how intelligent they are can never and will never be able to manifest this. Absolute chaos is mostly cosmetic and causes the magic shot out to have randomly determined features (I.E: have a more red tint, have more spikes, be slightly darker, etc.) though some may end up changing its hitbox. This applies to EVERY single piece of the magic shot, even individual attacks from multi-attacks.

0.4x - 3.0x Magic Damage
0.6x - 2.8x Magic Speed
0.2 - 6.5x Magic Size
1.6x Terrain Destruction
1.6x Structure Destruction

@DubiousLittleTyp0 furry

literally what was the point of this

Magic Wall Clap

The user creates to walls of whatever the magic is, with the walls being on opposite ends of the users opponent. The user then claps their hands to make the walls both move towards their opponent, crushing them.
Spell Type: Rare

Curse of Life and Death

The user can but their life energy into a dying person, but the user will slowly die while using it on a person because they are using up their own life force, and eventually the user will die. After the user dies, the person they were using the curse on will die also since there is no longer anything keeping them alive. The user could stop using it on a person, but then the person they are using it on would die.
Curse type: External

Caveman Style

Tier 1:
The user is incredibly strong, allowing them to pick up heavy objects with ease. The user picks up something large, like a the tree or boulder, and uses it as a club. The user would swing the “club” wildly, destroying their enemies with ease.
Effects: None

Tier 2:
The user lets themselves go insane (they get insanity 2), and the user destroys anything they see. Their attacks are also much more powerful and destructive.
Effects: Can slow down anybody hit with a Caveman Style attack.

Fighting Style type: Lost

@anon82052662 I added more details.

I made a mistake reopening this, I need someone to add these for me the days when I’m too busy