AO Ideas Trello

bruh okay hold on

Conclusion : I know how stats work better than you do

I’m buffing this shit like crazy:

damage: 0.95
speed: 0.8 (still slow, but that’s okay)
size: 1.40 (huge)

water should have 1.4 size

okay I’m sorry for not understanding it as well and assuming I did

If 1.4 size nerf damage to 0.9

no I’ll nerf speed tho

Excuses accepted


dude an apology is not an excuse wth are you on

Even tho irl radiation has long range and hih speed but very weak

I know, I’m making fun of u

Now leave this topic and never come back again

well now you’re in the wrong. :person_shrugging:

I’ll remember this

Magic time :sunglasses:

Lost Magic: Ghostfire


Souls when they die eventually reincarnate (No this is not religious) :smiley: and find their way to other living beings, but what if a soul is filled with regret, rage, hatred, jealousy, etc. Those souls turn into ghostflames, eternally burning flames of fury that will never waver. Few in history can harness these flames, however, those that have are amongst some of the strongest in history


Soul Detach - Whenever hitting a target with any status effects on them (including ghostflames), they will have a white glow around their body, This glow has no real status effects. When the target is hit again they have a chance to summon a “vengeful spirit” that will rapidly chase them and deal around 150% of the original damage of the attacks

Ghostflames - Each hit, the target has a chance to be set on fire by the ghostflames for 3 seconds (stacks) with a 33% chance. These flames slowly erode (lower) clashrates for magic (depends on magic level) and also makes the target go inane at a decent pace aswell as increasing the base insanity gain from anything else. As a hidden bonus, spirit weapons deal 25% more damage to anyone set on fire by ghostflames.

Soul Detach Proc Rates:
1st hit - 5%
2nd hit - 15%
3rd hit - 35%
4th hit - 75%
5th hit - 100%

1.4x Magic Damage
1.3x Magic Speed
1.4x Magic Size
0.7x Terrain Destruction
0.5x Structure Destruction

ok im tired im gonna make more when i wake up :grinning:

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@Randomness why are the stats so shit?
come on its a grand ice curse make it op as hell, its meant to be

Acceleration magic

Speed: 1.7
Power: 2.0
Clash: awful (technically)
Size: player hitbox

Acceleration magic might be more of a fighting style but essentially become the flash and rapidly charge into people with high collision damage, you also crash through magic attacks and take less damage compared to just getting hit by them

So basically speed magic

El speed