AO Ideas Trello

I’ll change this later btw

I came up with a pretty good idea awhile back for a lost magic.

Hydra magic allows the wielder to summon a highly corrosive scarlet liquid reminiscent of hydra blood. This magic is incredibly volatile, and the puddles that it leaves can hurt the wielder if they aren’t careful.

saw the words “Ezia” am gone

HEY ! That’s just mean

Was gonna suggest my concept for eruption magic that I thought up a few weeks ago, but it’s already there so I’m too lazy to think of others rn

Shockwave Magic (Lost Magic)
allows the user to manipulate the ground and create massive shockwaves
The attack sizes of Shockwave Magic are big in size.

Dont have my computer rn going to bed, I’ll add it tommorow morning

symbol for mercury


So like, electron magic exists, as you do.

So, why does Proton & Neutron Magics not exist?
look no fucking further!
(if i got any physics information on this wrong please correct me i’d love for feedback i’m doing alevel physics in like 13 months)

Proton Magic

Magic Type

A powerful, green-yellow tinted lightning, appearing to be significantly heavier than it’s negative counterpart.


Damage - Above Average
Speed - Below Average
Size - Below Average
Destruction - Below Average

Magic Interactions
Electron Magic - When an Electron & Proton Projectile collide, they redirect sorta like the illustration below as a neutron projectile (get it, because like, neutrons break down into electrons and protons in the nucleus because of like radioactive decay haha).

Neutron Magic - If two proton projectiles and two neutron projectiles collide/clash, a new projectile is made that rapidly starts firing upwards (get it, because it’s a HELIUM NUCLEUS HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AND HELIUM GOES UP OH LMAO IM SO FUNNY)

Magic Symbol/Icon

get it, because it’s a proton’s quark arrangement HAHAHAHAHA

Neutron Magic

Magic Type

Neutrons have no charge, meaning it cannot apply ‘Paralysed’, alike to Neutron & Proton Magic, instead, Neutron magic’s projectile appearance seems to be small orbs, those of which are very heavy due to the density of Neutrons in it.

Damage - Average
Speed - Below Average
Size - Below Average
Destruction - Above Average

Magic Interactions
Proton Magic - If two neutron projectiles and two proton projectiles collide/clash, a new projectile is made that rapidly starts firing upwards.

Magic Icon/Symbol

Dark Matter Magic
A heavy magic, which is black with a purple outline. It can pull things towards it, similar to gravity magic. This makes attacks easier to hit. On impact, it would be able to break bones. It’s not a solid or a liquid, however it has some traits from both states of matter. It is also a rather hot magic.
Status Effects: Bleeding and Burning
Magic Type: Ancient


Damage: 6
Speed: 0.5, this is because it’s extremely heavy
Size: 3
Destruction: Large

Finally back home instead of getting schedules for high school, time to change the idea a bit

Vine Magic - Lost magic idea

Description: Vine magic is a lost magic that utilizes vines to attack with, most of the attacks changing looks depending on the type of spell, some having thorned vines, vines with blossoms, or even withering vines. (might list the changes to the looks on a different message)

Vine magic will apply an immobilizing status called “Tangled”, which stuns people for 2-3 seconds. This effect also buffs the damage of fire magics (Fire, plasma, flare, etc.). Ultimate spells could add an extra half second to the stun, going from 2-3 seconds to 2.5-3.5 seconds.

Damage: 0.85x (below average)
Speed: 1.15x (above average)
size: 1.2x (large/average)
Destruction: low (I won’t specify I think destruction is a dumb stat tbh)

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the list of the vine types depending on the base spells (and also hover)


Normal vines: Blast spell and beam spell

Thorned vines: explosion spell and dash impact spell

blossom vines: leap spell & some types for aura spell

withering vines: some aura spell types & hover spell (for when hover is a lost spell)

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Isn’t this just plant magic?

Yes but I decided to rename to vine since most of the attacks were vines anyway (& cuz ezia renamed it to vine too)

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Tried using gimp and came out with an okay ish look for the vine icon for now

Here’s another idea for the trello: A list of ideas for bosses who use the magics. I think it would be cool if people could make ideas for how a boss would use their magic idea.

(also kinda surprised you didn’t make your own idea for mind magic)

Magic Idea: Blood Magic
Magic Tier: Lost Magic


Blood Magic bears similar properties to Water Magic, being nearly identical in appearances, apart from a dark crimson red color. What makes it different from Water Magic, is that it’s far more dense and heavy, and also binds to surfaces easier. It also creates puddles.

Eventually, blood will coagulate. Allowing unique things to happen. Coagulated blood will act like solid ice, binding people in place. Additionally, magic circles will be able to be casted on large pools of blood, whether on another wizard or on a structure, allowing for casting range to be greatly increased, and potential sure-hit attacks to be created.

Blood Magic applies the following effects:

  • Blood Soak: Identical properties to the soaked effect, additionally slowing inflicted target’s movement speed by 5%. You can be stacked with Blood Soak up to three times, with the slowness also reaching a maximum of 15%.
  • Coagulation: If you maintain three Blood Soak stacks for 30 seconds, the status effect will convert into Coagulation. Coagulation will freeze the user in place for 10 seconds, or until hit by an attack.
  • Bloodied: Being hit by an Ultimate Art spell will inflict this status effect. For 7 seconds, all Blood Magic spells casted, will be cast upon the target with the Bloodied status effect. If there are more than one targets, the spells will target the closest person.


Same as water.

Magic Interactions:

Same as water.


Same as water, but dark red.


Here’s a really lazily made blood magic icon.

ancient magic manipulator

It gives the user the ability to control their environment so they can do stuff like compress air around someone open up a hole beneath someone or grow a branch from a tree that impales someone basically the avatar

Ancient magic: anti matter

Highly unstable and can cause large explosions that can destroy cities however it’s very slow however the damage output is also very high it would look like an orb with a very small white ball but surrounded by a translucent bowl of air If antimatter magic was a have an explosion it would look like a large sphere that explodes and then implodes which causes a large explosion