AO Power system Flowchart

I remembered seeing a flow chart somewhere before, and I decided to try and make my own version of it.

What do you think? Anything I’m missing?


:saluting_face: :eagle: :bangbang: :crystal_magic_var7: :boom:

wasnt soul casting the way of using magic before magic circles were invented?

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Yep that’s what I’ve heard. It uses the soul as the power source not magic energy tho

This is neat, I like this a lot :+1:

spirit weapons also have imbuement

I’d say the only thing missing would be the old magic given by Prometheus before circles and curses

Pretty sure it uses Magic energy, the term “soul casting” just refers to the toll it has on it’s user

Now this is the GOOD stuff, I’m a huge sucker for power system charts/flowcharts/whatever so this is absolute peak. Not to mention it’s formatted really nicely too

These are the only changes I’d personally make (forgive me for my terrible editing):

  1. So Vetex has mentioned in the past that spirit energy manipulation is a thing that’s separate from magic energy manipulation. Only the gods and their descendants were able to do so, but spirit weapons are what allowed non-god related people to channel their spirit energy.

  2. It’s been mentioned already but soul casting is a weird one cause it’s magic energy manipulation, which should put it strictly under the magic tree, hence why I moved it to there. Though as you said it’s possible that since it comes from the soul it could be connected to spirit energy. After all, spirit energy is the power of life and the soul is often seen as the source of life. So until we get more info on what soul casting is I can’t say for sure.

And here’s the screenshot that had Vetex’s statements that I used if you haven’t seen it already:

Pretty sure this screenshot is a leak from the patreon chat from a while ago, hopefully nobody minds me using it lol


Soul casting sounds tight as hell

No hate here but this guy legit just posted a powerpoint presentation slide and he’s getting showered in praise for it :sob: :skull:

That’s some neat stuff

Alright here is version 2:


because it’s a nicely done flow chart

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Magic energy isn’t necessarely only used for destrcution, power and war, ex; Healing and Life magic, it just has a fundementaly evil origin

yea but haven’t people made this in the past

they aren’t getting like 20 likes for something they made on google slides

(I swear there’s been like at least 2 people now who’ve made one of these already)

Pretty sure Dr.Archipelago made something quite similar a while ago, albeit less detailed.

And frankly judging other people’s post by saying “they made it in 20min on google slide” is not a valid argument, it doesn’t change the fact it’s usefull as visualisation.
Make something unique and impressive then you’ll be able to criticize.

I mean I did draw like a pretty cool looking character the other day

and that definitely took more effort than this.

So, I am pretty valid to criticize this, thank you very much.

so drawing something is impressive, but gathering scattered information and simplying it in all in a very readable flowchart isnt?